Chapter one- Memories

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Addy's POV

I've bein sitting in this coffee shop for over three hours thinking of what happened, what led to this day. Thinking about why I am the way I am...

An eight year old Addy was skipping through the small village in England stopping every now and then to smell the flowers, on her way to her secret spot a big willow tree where she thought herself to read, when she heard people yelling when she got to the source of all the noise she could not believe what she saw

Her friends kicking and screaming at two kids her age they where beautiful the girl had pretty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes and the boy had messy Brown hair with eyes that looked identical to the ones of the girl

Adaline didn't know what to do but she did know that she had to do something so she did the only thing that came to mind she stood up for them, Adaline pushed through the crowd of children watching stood in front of the beautiful children and said "Stop it! Don't hurt them." The boy she knew as Ben the Bakers son replied " What are doing Adaline don't you know who these people are they are the witch twins the devil spawn they deserve this." At this point Adaline was consumed with rage how could some one say that she planed on giving him a piece of her mind " Well Ben have you ever seen them do anything wrong because I have not, did you forget that not everything you hear is true, oh yeah I forgot your too idiotic to remember one simple thing you have bein thought over a THOUSAND TIMES SO I SUGGEST YOU MOVE ALONG!" She was furious and I think Ben could see that because he slowly backed away not willing to get in a fight with a girl because he knew he would lose.

"Are you okay?" Adaline asked as soon as Ben and the others where out of sight she turned to face the two children just to see that they where even more beautiful up close "You know you shouldn't have done that." The girl stated as she got up to face Adaline "And why is that?" Adaline asked curiosity lacing her voice "Your friends won't forgive you they'll say your just as bad as we are." The girl stated her voice full of sadness "Well ....." Adaline started revering to the girl that she would like to know her name "Jane" she replied looking down as she kicked the dirt  waiting for Adaline to continue "Well Jane those moronic baboons are most certainly not my friends, I could never look someone in the eye who could treat any human so terribly even if you are a witch and if you are I personally think that's pretty amazing." Adaline stated

Jane looked up to face the girl who has treated her with such kindness her eyes so hopeful that Mabry she could finally make a friend

"My name is Adaline." The young girl stated as she held her hand out for the two to shake "Alec." The young boy stated as he shook her hand "Well Alec, Jane it's really nice to meat you I was on my way to my favourite thinking spot would you like to join me?" Adaline asked her question full of hope this brought a smile to the twins faces "We would love to." Jane said with her brother Alec nodding his head in response

"Can I get you anything else?" Adaline was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked up to see a young women in front of her "No thank you." Adaline awnsered a small smile on her face though her smile did not reach her eyes as the waiter left Adaline went back to her memories

"Why did you stand up food us you didn't even know us yet you took the risk" Jane asked as Adaline led them to the willow tree "Well dear Jane you needed help and I was never one to believe all the rumours in this village I believe everyone should get a chance." Adaline awnsered a smile on her face as she spotted the willow tree "There it is." Adaline said as she sat down under a tree "This is my special spot I found it a few years back and came here everyday since." Adaline said with the widest smile that Jane and Alec had ever seen

"So why did you bring us here?" Jane asked happy that someone thinks they are special enough to be included in such a wonderful thing "Because my dearest Janie I now consider you two my Bestes friends." Addy said with the biggest smile she could but her smile suddenly dropped as she noticed a tear running down Janes face "Whats wrong Ja...." Before she could finish her sentence Jane wrapped her arms around the young girl, Addy didn't hesitate to hug Jane  back as Jane whispered in Adaline's ear "Your my Bestes friend too Addy." Adaline could feel the smile making its way on the you red heads face Adaline opened her eyes and saw Alec standing there debating if he should join the hug or not without hesitating Adaline tugged on his arm making him join the hug whether he wanted to or not

Adaline checked her watch and saw that it was already six in the afternoon she made her way to the counter she pained for her coffee that she couldn't even drink due to the fact that she is a vampire she went outside got on her motorcycle and drove to the small apartment she had bought a while back.

Adaline traveled the world but always found her way back to England in her mind it was alway a way to hold on to  the memories because without them she would truely not have a drop of happiness inside her.

I will try posting the second chapter tonight thanks for giving this book a chance I'm pope  for suggestions comment if you have any thoughts XOXO
little_glitch_ witch

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