Chapter 12

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Another week passed by without any movement from the hunter camp. We received word from all over about other packs who managed to hold their ground against Cole's hunters and some gave bad news that hit the morale of the wolves from the camp pretty bad. I for one was going crazy with worry and anxiety, all the others seemed to take Cole's lack of movement as a good sign. A few days before, Charles postponed another meeting with the Elders and the pack, wishing to wait for his right hand to arrive. If it was up to me, we would have had that meeting already and at the present time I would be on my way to attack Cole and his men.

But truth is I am just an outsider and my say in the matter does not really count. Some pack members looked at me as if I was one of them, while the majority still tip toed around me. I was still a hunter in their eyes and maybe that was true, after all not much changed since I came here and all I know is how to be a hunter, even with all the wolf form trainings that I was doing with Cassidy. She was one of the reasons more wolves came to trust me.

'What is going through that head of yours that makes you so distracted?' Cassidy said after shifting. We had another sparring match in wolf form, a match that I of course lost.

'I keep thinking about Cole. I can't figure out why he is not attacking us and my wolf is on edge for some reason.' I said putting my clothes back on.

'Have you asked your wolf why she is on edge?'

'I did ask her, more than once but she rudely shuts me off.' 'I have not, you...silly girl.' 'Oh yes you have...ok not in a rude way, but you do tend to change the subject every single damn time.'

'Hey, are you ok?'

'Sorry, what was it you said?' I asked turning her way.

'I asked if you were ok.'

'It's nothing to worry about. I was just speaking with my wolf.' I said sighing.

'Ok, you missy need to loosen out a bit. How about we go on a run?'

'I don't think we can do that with Cole and his men near here.'

'Ah yes, I forgot about them. Then how about we go play with the children? That should take the stress off for a while.'

'That would be...interesting.' I said shifting from one foot to the other and scratching my neck.

'Oooohhhh are you by any chance nervous? Come on they are just kids, they won't harm a big bad huntress like yourself.' Cassidy said laughing. She was right to say that I was nervous. I have never been around children before. They looked so...fragile.

We left the training grounds in good spirits. As we made our way to the playing field, Cassidy was still making fun of my reluctance to be around children. For someone in her position Cassidy was acting as a child wood, all jumpy an exited. In my mind an Elder was someone solemn and fair-minded, a rule keeper. Or that is how I thought of Elders after Charles told me about them. In my eyes Cassidy was serious but she didn't have that solemn look the other Elders I had the chance to meet portrayed. She was fair and a rule keeper but at the same time she had a playful side which made me comfortable in her presence. Maybe that was why, lately I was more open to the people around me. I had no intention to befriend any more wolves. One of the reasons was that any day now I could leave this place for good or I would die trying to protect myself and these strangers from Cole. But Cassidy had other plans, she introduced me to every wolf she knew, basically almost everyone here and my say in the matter did not count one bit. As we entered the play grounds Cassidy's face lightened up even more and mine fell as I saw the many children on the grounds. Where have they been until now?

Sapphire - A Huntress No More/Completed (Not Edited)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara