Chapter 10

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When the life you have is peaceful and the things you care about are close by you tend not to appreciate them. They are there in your life where you can touch them, feel them and all you do is turn away from them. The sand and the moon at the shore on a winter night or the pack house full of noise, the warm wind and the scorching summer sun are things some take for granted. But it is not always like that, there are also sad moments like the death of a parent or the departure of a friend, which are there in your life but you forget about them in time. And so, when you lose that freedom regret washes over you like buckets of water. I regret not attending my mother's funeral, due to being too busy grieving on my own to show up. Regret had washed over me but along with it a frightening desire for revenge.

The waves were as strong as the storm, water splashed everywhere on the deck with such power that the navigators had to tie themselves to the mast in order not to be thrown over the vessel. I stood quietly in my spot contemplating the life I could have had. My soul had the same temperament as the weather, it was crying. The only difference between them was that one was expressing its emotions freely while the other kept those same emotions bottled inside. I won't give them the satisfaction of showing my weak side, it was enough that my body was brittle due to malnourishment. Another wave hit the ship almost turning it upside down, why they chose to sail to Scotland was beyond my comprehension. Flying would have been faster and easier, but HE was not the kind of man who hurried through a task. HE liked to plan his moves with care but in my opinion, he was just a sadist, he lay his trap and waited for the target to step right into it and after, he enjoyed torturing them slowly. I should know, I stepped right into that same trap and ever since then loathed myself for my stupidity.

The men on the bridge were running like chickens without heads from one place to the other, they had no clue on how to steer a ship. It was clear that they were never on one before, or if they ever were, they did not board one in a storm. Only HE was calm and staying put near the bow of the ship looking right ahead anticipating the events to come. Rain did not touch him, noise did not bother him, ever since the woman he raised as his child left he become a silent ticking bomb. As another wave hit the ship near the stern more water splashed me making me shiver. The clothes I had left on me, as torn as they were, stuck even closer to my body, if that was possible. The scars on my back stung as the salty water cleansed them, my body was too weak to heal by itself, not even my wolf had the power to help. He was binding his time in silence until we shall be free again, and we will be, now that we were out of that damp dungeon.

We just needed time.


Cunningham was an old name, not many had it so where had he heard the name before. Cunningham, Cunningham, Cunningham he enchanted as though by saying the name three times it would make him remember. The study he was in smelled strongly of old books, Charles thought as he opened another dusty book. A... Arthur, Ava, Alias who names their child Alias?...B... Boris, Birmingham, Basel....C... Carver, Colins but no Cunningham, this book was another dead end. A heavy sigh left his lips as he moved from the sofa to the window. Outside, the cave was just as cold, just as grey as the day before. He had enough of hiding, he missed the days when looking out a window all he'll see would be a sea of grass and a calming blue sky.

The reflection of a picture that hang on the wall behind him caught his attention. Charles took the picture from the wall and examined it with melancholic eyes, a lot of people from the picture were long gone from this world, his parents, one of his cousins. The picture was taken a long time ago before the first war and before the heartbreak that came with it. As he looked at all the people in the picture he stopped when his attention was snatched by a blonde woman. She had curly hair that made her body look slimmer and her eyes...her eyes were a brighter shade of sapphire. Charles studied the woman some more and, as his train of thought went on it hit him, the woman's eyes were just as Erin's only that Erin had a darker shade of sapphire. 'Selrahc do you know who this woman is?' 'Oh...that picture is old.' 'Concentrate please...' 'Hold your horses, the picture won't run away. Let's see...hmmm...yes, yes, this one's name is Cassidy...Cassidy Stewart. Yes, she is one of the Elders, I remember that when this picture was taken she was just appointed in her role. How come you don't remember?' But Charles said nothing, he put the picture back and went to his desk. He dug through some files and looked in the drawers until he found what he was looking for, the official appointing paper of Cassidy Stewart as an Elder.

Sapphire - A Huntress No More/Completed (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now