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"I told you to wake me up after twenty minutes! It's one thirty!"

"I know, but you just looked so peaceful and so exhausted. So I just let you sleep."

"Where's my phone I have to call Veronica?"

"On the table where you left it."

She took it dialing Daniel.

He answered after a few rings.

"Hey Babe, great to hear from you."

"Oh shut up. Don't act like we didn't get a call from Veronica in the middle of the night terrified."

"What? That's crazy, she could have come and got me. I didn't know, I'm so sorry babe."

"Let me talk to her."

There was a ruffled noise and than Veronica's voice came over the phone.

"Hi mummy!" She says.

"Hey baby. Michael told me you called last night, is everything okay?"

"Yeah I just missed you."

"As long as your fine. Are you having fun with Daniel?"

"Yeah we are out at breakfast right now. I got waffles and ice cream."

"Oh, sounds amazing!"

"Are you and Michael having fun?"

"Yes, we are gonna go to the movies."


"Alright, you call me if you need me."

"I will."

"Bye Princess."

"Bye mummy."

She hung up, and Michael laced his arms around her waist.

"You are the greatest mum in the world." He says smiling in her ear.

"No I'm not." She says shaking her head.

"Yes you are!" He says swinging her around. "You do so much for your daughter."

"I hardly spend time with my daughter. You've said it yourself."

"And I've also told you, that you can quit your jobs, and I can provide for you so you can be with your daughter all the time."

She didn't say anything and just shrugged.

"Babe." He says turning to face her. "Just trust me."

He planted a kiss on her forehead hugging her.

She put her arms him putting her head on his chest.

He squeezed the short girl and smiled petting her back.

"Thank you..." She says.

"Don't thank me." He says.

"But I will."

He chuckles.

"Come on, let's go to the movies."


"Mummy!" Veronica yells running from Tekashi to Presley.

"Hey Princess."

"I had so so so much fun with Daddy! We went to the park, and the movies, and then we went shopping, and he got me a bunch of clothes and toys, and we went to eat! It was so fun."

"Oh, sounds so much fun." She says. "Thank you Daniel."

"It's no problem. I actually wanted to know if I can take her Wednesday. My friends daughter is having a birthday party, and she's turning like six, I think Veronica would like it."

"Please Mummy! It sounds so much fun!"

"Me and Daddy will talk about it later."

"How about I take you out for lunch and we can talk about stuff."

"We'll see. Right now I have a lot to do."

"I'll text you, and we can go for lunch or dinner or something."

She nods turning away.

"Bye Daddy!" Veronica yells waving.

He smiles waving bye to his little girl.

"Can I do with Daddy on Wednesday?"

"We'll see."

"Would Michael be okay with it?"

"I don't know."

"Are you mad?"

"No, of course not sweetie."

"You seem angry..."

"I'm not angry. I'm just tired."

"Well get untired cause your making me sad."

"It's not that simple sweetie."

"Yes it is. They have Starbucks for a reason."

She get her daughter the "..bitch." look.

Her daughter laughed.

"Are we going home? Or to Michael's house?"

"We're going to Michael's for a little bit."

"Yay! He has a super duper huge TV!"

She chuckles.

"You can watch TV when we get there."

The walk to Michael's was short besides all the people running and rushing their opposite way.

"Hey it's my two favourite ladies!" Michael laughs as they walk in the door.

"Thank you, I've been working on my appearance if you could not tell." Veronica says flipping her hair twirling.

"So that's why you look so adorable." Michael laughs grabbing her and tickling her.

She laughs, "Put me down, no tickles!"

He sets her down chuckling. "You know where the TV is, remote is on the couch."

She ran off to the back room.

"So how'd everything go picking her up?" He asks pecking her lips.

"Daniel wants to meet for lunch to talk about taking Veronica on Wednesday to some birthday party."

He rolls his eyes.

"I'll watch Veronica if you need."

"Thank you." She smiles.

"Aye it's no problem for my babe." He chuckles quietly.

She smiles.

"Later tonight sense you don't work the morning shift, I'll take you guys out for ice cream."

"That sounds amazing." She says pressing a kiss on his lips.

He smiled looking down at her.

"You know what else sounds amazing?" He asks with a smirk.

"Thank you for getting a dirty mind, okay I don't have time for that."

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