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Trippie didn't just wanna leave Presley and Veronica, but he didn't want them there when he was fighting.

So he let them do whatever.

And they ended up tagging along.

He really didn't want Veronica to see him fighting.

"Why do you seem so nervous? Is everything okay?" Presley asks.

"Its nothing." He says pushing the questions away and arriving at the mall.

He was nervous, only because they where here.

He walked in and seen Tekashi.

"Daniel?" Presley asks seeing him.

"Daddy!" Veronica yells.

Trippie's heart sunk a little.

What if when this was over, Presley did end up falling for Daniel again?

He wasn't feeling as great as these thoughts came over him.

He quickly lit a blunt, rushing the high so he wouldn't feel as bad.

"Hey princess!" He says as Veronica runs up hugging him.

"Michael, what is going on?" Presley asks turning to him.

"Presley... I-I don't know how to explain it to you." He says.

He knew doing this could go so many ways.

He could win and Presley would be mad at him, and it wouldn't matter.

Or he could win and she would love him.

Or he could loose and he would have to let them go.

"Have you met my friend Michael!" Veronica asks taking both guys hands.

"I see you brought my girls back to me. Is it cause you know your gonna loose?"

"No, because I ain't a scumbag and I aint gonna leave them like you did." He says.

He seen the anger swell up in Tekashi's face.

"Seems like you really wanna fight now doesn't it."

Michael pulled out his wallet and took out a few bills handing them to Presley.

"Take Veronica over that way, please." He says quietly.

"Michael, tell me what is going on."

"I just have to do this. Please. Go that way." He says, giving her a serious look.

She didn't say anything and took Veronica and went.

Trippie cleared his mind and squared up to Tekashi.

"I wish me and my mummy could just have a happy life..."

All he could think of was that first day.

He had to keep his promise.

"Come on. You wanna fight let's go!" Trippie says.

Tekashi threw a punch hitting him right in the jaw.

All Trippie thought of was how angry he was he just seen red and lunged on him just hitting and hitting.

Tekashi tried throwing punches getting maybe one or two here and there until he shoved Trippie off sending him back.

Right then and there, he wasn't bigger than Satan.

He was Satan.

Tekashi came in sending Trippie onto the ground reversing what had previously happened, Tekashi's turn to throw a few punches.

Trippie sent one punch from where he was pressed against the ground and hit Daniel directly in the nose and he fell back from Trippie onto his elbows, blood coming from his nose.

"Michael! Daniel! Stop it!"

Michael fell from his possession and turned seeing Presley, and Veronica.

Veronica refused to look at either guy.

"Baby -" Tekashi starts.

"No. Both of you are acting like children. I don't want to see either of you." She says shaking her head walking out of the mall.

"Presley wait!" Trippie says running after her.

She ignored him and kept walking.

"Presley. Let me explain."

"Explain what Michael? What's there to explain."

"He wanted to take you away from me. Me and Tekashi haven't been on good terms in a while. I posted a photo of me and Veronica at the mall and he seen it and said about how I need to stay away from you. I love you Presley, I know it sounds crazy sense we haven't known each other that long, but I love you. I don't want to loose you."

He started tearing up, he didn't know if it was because of the sudden pain finally hitting him, or the thought of loosing her.

"I don't wanna loose you before I've even had you."

"Don't cry..." She says putting her free arm around him, rubbing his back.

He couldn't help but cry.

"I'm sorry." He says. "I'm so so sorry. I didn't want you to see me fighting."

Veronica was asleep in her arms.

She hugged him.

"It's okay babe." She says. "That's why I didn't get back together with him last year. He is controlling."

"I'm sorry." He whispers hugging her.

She rubs his back comforting him.

"Do you wanna stay at my house again? Its closer, and she's sleeping, and there's some things I wanna talk about."

"Yeah, that's fine." She says.

"You want me to take her?" He asks.

She nods handing him Veronica.

Presley smiles putting her arm around with him.

She wasn't mad after hearing what he had to say, and seeing him upset made her feel bad.

When they got inside, Trippie took Veronica to the spare room.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asks sitting on his bed.

"You've given me something I didn't even know I was missing."

"What do you mean?"

"You've given me a family."

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