Reaper X reader

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Let me just say I wrote this one in my previous book so if it's bad i'm sorry don't come for me

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"Gabriel I have a mission, I'll be back in a bit!" I say walking up to my boyfriend of a year and a half and giving him a kiss on his cheek. He only hummed in response.

"What would you like for dinner, I'll pick something up after" I say smiling

"Doesn't matter to me. " He says in a cold tone, more cold than normal at least towards me...i know he doesn't like talking about his emotions so for now ill just leave it and ask later, I have to go anyways.

"Love you" I say quickly while walking to the door

"Mhm" was all he said and I felt my heart give a little shake. Going through the mission was fast we won, of course, and since it was fast I'd be home sooner than I'd originally said. Being thoughtful I stopped and picked up some snacks and Gabriel's favourite movie so we could watch it and maybe cheer him up. Thinking we could just order pizza or something I walk to our apartment that's generally near HQ just in case. I unlock my door and walk in seeming clothes scattered on the floor. I laugh to myself thinking about how silly Gabe is, sometimes it's like having a kid. I remove my shoes and I place the movie and the snacks on the counter and tip toe into our room incase he was asleep. He was asleep alright, but next to him I saw a girl, she had no shirt, and strawberry blonde hair. Realizing what was happening my heart grows heavy and I drag my hand through my h/c hair while tears fall out of my e/c eyes and onto my mission clothes. I wasn't sure what to do next. I wasn't going to scream, punch, kick, yell. This was my apartment so I couldn't just leave it with him...besides I had another mission coming up soon. Noticing tears are free falling from my eyes I don't try to stop them. I shake Gabriel awake gently.

"Gabriel wake up I'm home" I say smiling while tears fall.

"Why are you crying?" He asks as if suddenly he's so concerned.

"I think you should leave..." I say looking away.

"Why? Why are you crying, why do I need to leave? What happened? " He says confused. Starting to grow impatient I turn and frown while I continue to cry.

"Look to your left hm?" I say while I point my finger at the girl next to him.

He does so and looks back at me quickly. I whimper a bit trying to hold back my sobs.

"Please leave.." My voice cracks.

"No." He says firmly, "not until you let me explain"

"Explain what Gabriel? How I was boring you and holding you back? Or how you lied to me, and how you broke your promise. Because honestly right now I don't need to hear it from you. You need to leave. " I say raising my voice. The girl in the bed lifts up her head and quickly realizes the situation covering herself.

"I'm not leaving you." He says in his deep voice. My heart skips a beat when he says that but then I remember the circumstances.

"Fine, if you won't leave I will but when I come back in the morning you, that whore, and all your things better be gone." I say dangerously turning and walking away my hands balled up and tears that never seemed to stop flowing down my cheeks that are red with embarrassment and anger. I feel his grip on my wrist.

"Let go!" I shout making him jump, guess he didn't think I could stand up for myself. I have no where to go. So i just continue to walk, walk and cry. 

I jolt upwards with tears streaming down my face. It was a dream. A horrible one, but a dream none the less. Gabriel sits up and sees me crying.

"Y/n what is the matter love" He says with concern.

"You..I...What if..." I trip over words trying to figure out what to tell him.

"I will never leave you, I will never cheat on you. It's you and I till the end." He says reassuring me while putting his forehead to mine. His tilts his head up and kisses my forehead. While laying back down bringing me with him. Holding me protectively in his arms.


First one done what'd ya think? Who should I do next? 

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