Chapter 2

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I slapped the paintbrush against the bench, moving it side to side and watching the white paint cover the rusted green one. "So, what are you all here for?" Bolton boy asked "You." he pointed his brush towards the boy with the snap back.

"I-" The boy began but was interupted by Bolton boy.


"No!" The boy protested. I stopped painting and watched the prick since he was painting the back of the bench and I was painting the front. I sat on the floor and watched him bend down to paint a part that was lower down on the bench. He then stood up and his hat fell onto the bench where I had already painted. He lifted it, the top of it white from the paint. 

"Oh fuck sake" He said through gritted teeth and I burst out laughing "You find this funny?" he asked, walking up to me and standing in front of me.

"In fact I do" I grabbed my brush and hit his leg with it, painting his trouser leg. 

"Oi!" He shouted and grabbed my hair at the roots.

"You really going to hurt her? You here for being a woman beater?" The young boy from before quizzed. The prick let go of me and kicked the paint can into the river by us, paint flying all across the floor and creating a path to the water. He stomped away from us.

"Right, so why are you here?" Bolton boy asked Texting girl who was painting another bench with him.

"Got into this fight with this girl...what about you?" She answered.

"I ate some pick and mix" He said bluntly. Texing girl rolled her eyes just as the probation worker came.

"What happened here?" He asked looking at the paint on the floor.

"Well there was this badger right, an-" Bolton boy started, everyone trying not to laugh but he was cut off by the probation worker. 

"Shut up." He barked. 

"What's that?" A tall guy with a black quiff asked looking at the sky. We all looked in the same direction, a huge grey cloud quickly making it's way to us. A giant white rock fell out of the sky and onto the roof of a car, soon other rocks fell hitting against things and breaking them, even the ground. 

"Come inside!" The probation worker told us and we all ran towards the building, dodging rocks. 

"Hurry up then!" Texting girl shouted at him and he tried to open the door.

"I'm trying!" He shouted back.

"What the hell is this?" A guy with Hazel eyes asked no one in particular.

"How are we meant to know?" Bolton boy asked rudely. Lightning struck and then everything went weird. We all went into the air, what felt like waves of electricity running through my body as I hit the ground. All of a sudden the storm stopped and we were all lying on the ground. One by one we all sat up, looking around at the destruction the storm had done. I looked at the probation worker, his eyes were strange, like a wild animal. 

"I feel weird" Texting girl said.

"A little reassurance would be good, 'you're fine, looking good' " Bolton boy told the probation worker.

"Wanker" The probation worker mumbled.

"Did he just call me a wanker? Hey, hello!" He waved to him, still confused as we all were.

"Is everyone alright?" The probation worker asked.

"We could of died you dick" A lad with curly hair spat at him.

"Are you alright?" I asked him, and he grunted in response opening his mouth in a strange manor "Actin' like a freak.." I said quieter.

"Maybe we should call it a day.." He finally said. 

* * * 

I leaned against the lockers and watched Curly - the curly haired lad - and the guy who hasn't said very much. Curly was watching the other guy "What did you say?" he asked Curly.

"Nothing" Curly answered. The guy who seemed like the shy type looked in the long mirror and started to sort out his hair.

"What?!" He turned around and faced Curly.

"What?!" Curly shouted back, Shy guy walked towards him and Curly quickly turned around and walked away. We all joined together in the hallway. "Are we waiting for something?" Curly asked.

"Probation worker?" Hazel eyes said in a 'duh' voice.

"I ain't waiting around for that dick 'ead" Curly started to walk towards the door soon followed by the rest of us. I couldn't help but feel someone was watching us.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A/N: Sorry for the very late update, I started the chapter but didn't finish it in time and I had to go to bed - the next day I went on holiday, so that's where I have been! Again, sorry for keeping anyone waiting

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