Chapter 3

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Tom (Bolton Boy) P.O.V

I walked down the street, on the road. I put my cigarette against my lips and sucked in, breathing out and watching the smoke fill the air in front of me as I reached my house. I went to put the key in the lock but it wouldn't fit "What the..." I whispered dropping the cigarette on the ground and stepping on it. "Mum it's me my key wont work" I said  "Mum!" I shouted, banging on the window "Are you gonna let me in?" I asked.

"I decided to give the relationship between me a Jeremy a chance" I heard her say.

"Jeremy?" I whined "Come on, the guy's a total dildo" I said kneeling down and opening the mail slot.

"You're always making fun of people" She stated. I looked through the slot and rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on, open the door" 

"I changed the locks" She said bluntly.

"What?" I stood up "Why would you do that?" I asked.

"You can't stay. If you stay he'll go" She said.

"But- Where do you expect me to go?" I asked, looking through the door's blurry window.

"Your things are by the garage, I put some money in your rucksack, I'll call you in a few days" She said.

I looked at the bags and began to pound the door "Mum! Mum please don't do this to me! Mum!!" but she didn't answer. 

I rang a couple of people but they didn't let me stay at their's so I decided to go stay at the only place I could think of, the community center.

Andrea P.O.V

"Is this a joke?" Hazel eyes asked "Did any of you do this?" he said referring to the red sprayed on writing on the side of the building 'I'm going to kill you'.

"Don't look at me, I didn't do it" I said.

"I'll tell you who did it" Bolton boy said, taking his unlit cigarette out of his mouth "It's that prick" he began to click his fingers thinking "Doesn't matter..." he said "There's a hidden meaning, like that monkey police man" he began to walk behind the youngest boy "With the banana and the Tescos bag" he put his arm around the boy.

"Maybe someone wants to kill us" The boy said nervously.

"Uh, why would someone want to kill us?" I asked and the probation worker walked over.

"You seen this?" The guy with the quiff asked him.

"Hm-" He began when the the other girl's phone went off. "Right that's enough! Give me your phone" He ordered.

"Ha. Are you even allowed to do that?" She said lifting her phone and taking a picture of him when he yanked the phone out of her hand.

"All of you" He ordered and one by one we gave him our phones.

"I'm expecting a call from my mum" Bolton boy said but the probation worker took his phone "Alright, take a message". We all started to walk away.

"Wanker" I said, walking past him and the other girl let out a short laugh.

(A/N: The story will from now on be in 3rd person as it is easier then going back and forth from different P.O.Vs.)

They all stood around near the long mirror, some getting things from their lockers, others just standing there. Nathan watched them all from the other side, observing them. He took a step back but his foot landed on something. He looked down, lifting his foot and picking up a cap. "Hey guys..." He said quietly "Isn't this Joe's cap?" He asked but no one payed attention "It has blood on it" he said looking at the dried blood covering the cap. Nathan began to twitch before his head started to shake, uncontrollable movements taking over him. He stopped all of a sudden and looked around "Did you guys just see that?" he asked but they didn't reply, only carried on with their conversations. "Guys. Did you just see what happened to me?" He asked walking up to them all "Hey I'm talking!" He began shouting. "I'm talking to you!!" He shouted in Beth's face as she blew a puff of smoke out from her cigarette. 

Nathan walked in front of Andrea who was looking into the mirror and fixing her hair. "Can't you hear me?!" He shouted. He looked into her eyes, it just looked like she was staring straight through him. He turned around and looked at the mirror, where he only saw Andrea. He began to freak out. 

"come on we should go" Jay said and they all followed him out, leaving Nathan. He began to shake again, the same strange things happening before it all stopped. He looked at the mirror and his reflection was there. He picked up a bucket and began to make his way out.

As they all made their way out, the probation worker watched them. A crazed look in his eye. He picked up a chair and threw it, the chair landing in front of the door which led to the lockers. He walked away, grumbling before Nathan walked out, jogging out after looking at the chair.

They scrubbed the wall, attempting to get rid of the writing. Andrea was sat at the picnic table, her jump suit down to her waist covering below her waist, only her bikini top showing. Jay turned around to look at her "Why aren't you helping?" He asked.

"Why should I? They're just going to write on there again" She said looking at him through her sun glasses. Jay's eyes traveled down to her chest.

"Yeah, feel free to carry on staring at my breasts" Andrea said, a smirk slowly appearing, the same smirk appearing on Jay's face before he went back to scrubbing the wall. "So...what are your names?" She asked and they all looked at her.

"You don't know our names?" Siva asked as Nathan joined them, placing his bucket by the wall.

"No" She said, a short laugh "Do you really think I'm going to pay attention to detail?"

"Why you askin' now then?" Beth asked.

"Might as well call you all by your names, you know, instead of giving you nicknames like I have already for some." She answered.

"What are they then? Good lookin'?" Tom said pointing to himself. Everyone looked at him, Max rolling his eyes before they all looked back at Andrea.

"Curly, Hazel eyes, Bolton boy and prick" She said pointing to them "Where is the prick anyway?" she asked looking around. They all shrugged.

I should tell them about the hat... Nathan thought. Siva looked at him they wont listen... Nathan thought making Siva freaked out. He could hear Nathan talk but his lips weren't moving.

"Did any of you feel weird after the storm?" Siva asked.

"Oh yeah, my arsehole was feeling irritat-" Tom began.

"Don't...don't finish that sentence" Beth said.

I should tell him... about what happened to me Nathan thought.

"Did you feel something?" Siva asked him.

"Something...happened to me..." Nathan said, but Tom butt in before he could carry on.

"Don't you want to know about my arse'ole?" Tom asked sarcastically and Jay punched him in the arm.

"Shut up, alright?" He said.

"It was nothing..." Nathan said and began to scrub the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2012 ⏰

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