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I’d love to be in the wild.

To feel my paws hit the springy grass

To hear the song birds sing

To see the trees flow gently in the breeze

To smell the fresh pine needles

To taste the crisp water

I’d rather be there than here

Feeling the spiky sod under my paws

Hearing the cooing of pigeons

Seeing the humans through the bars

Smelling the noxious fumes from giant monsters

Tasting the stale meat we get every day

I’d love to be in the wild

To feel the thrill of the hunt

To hear the heart beat of our prey

To see them standing there so unaware

To smell their scent as we begin our chase

To taste their blood that is still warm

I’d rather be there than here

But I will wait

The day will come were we will escape

Us, the Wolves

Will be one with nature again 

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