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"Come with me." His blue eyes gleamed in the sunlight.

"I will never," I spat at him. "You are a monster."

He laughed. "But you enjoy that, don't you. We both do. So what is the point of wasting our time having this discussion?"

"I never enjoyed it. Never."

"But you did, Avery. Remember that night. We had passion. Your body loved it. You loved it."

My lips shook as I repeated, "You are wrong. You are wrong."

He smiled warmly at me. Like a parent would at a child. "Am I?"

"Is he?" Another voice asked. His grey eyes looked tortured.

"No. He is wrong. Please, don't listen to him."

"Why would I? All you ever did was lie to me." His voice was getting distant. He was slowly fading.

"Don't go." I ran, chasing after his shadows.

A small boy emerged from the fading silhouette.

"But you left me," the four year old, brown eyed boy asked. His mouth was frothing and eyes were red.

I tried to reach him, touch him. But he backed away. A hand slowly snaked over his shoulder. I looked up.

"Whore." It was my mother.


Slapping my face with water to wash away the dream that always managed to shake me to the core, I didn't get bothered by the blue eyes or even the grey ones. The brown teary eyes of my brother tortured me. He always looked at me with the pain of betrayal.

The dreams always made me wonder about his life. And his too. My wolf longed for her mate, wanted to go back to him and I had chained her within myself. We were two disagreeing individuals locked inside one prison. After a while, she refused to let me in on her emotions.

I stepped out to chase away guilt. Dewy grass under my feet, I walked barefoot in the lawn. Early morning cold wind and birds chirping in the forest somehow soothed me. There were not many things left anymore in which I could find peace in.

"Up so early."

The voice startled me. Behind the wooden fence of the small cottage was Yasmin. Her messy pig-tails rested on her shoulders and the ever present glasses were missing.

"I see you have come out of your hole."

"Well, not everyone has your luxuries."

I knew she was just a loud mouth and didn't mean anything but old habits die hard. I scowled.

She waved her hand dismissing me. "Calm down, will you. I just came out to rest my eyes."

"How further did you proceed?"

Her shoulders straightened. This is what I liked about the girl, she was dedicated.

"Not much. I can't leave any trace. The only good thing about this situation is that they think they are the only predator in the forest. No one hunts them. They are bound to get sloppy."

And careful.

"Are you done for now?"

Her head bobbed up and down. "Done and done." She looked around. "Jeez, it's getting colder. Winter won't be long. I hate snow."

I nodded. Snow. Brandon. Betrayal. It had been eight long years.

Sitting in the office beside Travis, my mind wandered to the first time I was here. I was sad, confused and so much angry. Angry that I was brought here forcefully. Serena had traded me. An old human. I had watched her get paid by Maya.

"Avery, we need you to retrieve one last person," Maya spoke to me immediately upon entering the office. I merely nodded. She was friendlier than normal.

"Where are we going this time?" Travis questioned.


A folder was placed on the table. I picked it up and left the room; everything I needed to know was in the folder, I wasn't needed in the room any longer. Travis stayed behind with Maya.


"Ssh, child. Don't cry," Serena said from behind the wheels.

I tried to. I dug my nails in my palms, bit my lips till they were bleeding but nothing helped.

Weak! Weak!


Serena was handing me a handkerchief. "Wipe your tears. Everything will be fine." She smiled warmly at me.

Through the snow I could see us nearing a small town.

Slowing down, Serena said, " You wouldn't mind, would you? I just have a small business to take care of."

I shook my head, vision still blurry from the tears.

She came to a stop at a gas station and got out of the car. Leaning in through the window, she said, "Don't run off. It will just take a while." I nodded again. She walked away. I saw her walk to a woman standing at the far end of the gas station in the rear view mirror. The woman handed a small envelope to Serena. And then she was walking back. It was still snowing. Slowly covering everything in white.

I remembered the first snow Brandon was allowed outside, he had cried for about an hour when I dragged him in. He had said he hated me. And I had replied sarcastically, "Thank you Avery, for saving my limbs from frostbite." Dad had burst out in laughter. And mom had given both of us -- the eyes while she shushed Brandon.

The sound of backdoor opening pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Serena, I will get off now." On hearing no reply, I turned around to see her. She was grimacing. At the same time someone opened the passenger door and held a cloth over my mouth. I struggled to remove the hand holding it. The grip was tight --a werewolf. I panicked. Was it one of Alpha Blake's men?

Slowly, I began to lose consciousness.

Your turn in the basement, someone hissed at me.


"It is time to leave. May the goddess guide you to success in your endeavours," Maya repeated the lines she always did everytime before we left.

I saw Travis roll his eyes at her. He was not a big fan of the goddess from what I had deduced. Maya was fine by him, more than fine.

I handed my backpack to Travis. "Keep me alive. I still have one unfinished business to take care of," I whispered to him.

He nodded, a grim smile on his face. This were who always had something to say before a task just nodded. Something wasn't right.

Great, one more person to look out for.

A car stopped in front of us. Small, inconspicuous. Piling in the back seat, I opened the folder.

A grainy picture of a young woman was all that there was, along with a small parchment. Written on it was a name and her designation. Samantha, Luna of Riverside.

Well shit!

Breathe in. Breathe out.


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