cry me a table

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     Drax's roar echoed through the desolate plains of Titan as he burst through a small stone structure, bellowing loudly as he brandished two knives. Not far behind him were what was left of the Guardians of the Galaxy -- Peter Quill, who held both of his guns out defensively as his mask enclosed across his face. Mantis, who was doing her best to look fierce despite the fact that she really wasn't that decent of a hand to hand combatant, despite the fact that Gamora, Blaise, and Peter had attempted to teach her multiple times.

     And, of course, Blaise.

     Her skin shimmering despite the darkness, Blaise's fists were raised offensively as she sprinted through with her teammates, filling expecting to see Thanos. Yet, as she squinted into the darkness, she only saw the shapes of two tall men accompanied by a teenage boy and girl, causing her to freeze as her eyebrows furrowed together, confusion flitting across her body.

     "Wait -- Drax, I don't think I that's -- "

     But Drax barreled forwards, not listening to her.

     Almost at once, a fight broke out. As Quill flew towards the man clad in a suit of red iron, the jets on his feets blasting him off, he was firing rapidly while the man in iron flew up to counter him. Drax went for the second man, however he was stopped as the red cloak flew off from the man's back, clasping itself onto Drax as Drax fell onto his back with a loud cry of surprise, beginning to wrestle with it. Scuttling forwards, ignoring Drax's situation was Mantis as she moved towards the teenage boy eerily.

"AAH!" The teenage boy shrieked loudly, flat on his back as he attempted to crab walk away, his hands up defensively. "Whoa - woah - woah, please don't put your eggs in me!"

"Hey!" The girl practically sprinted over to the Mantisthat towered over Peter, the strange antennae on her forehead glowing a strange color, Mantis barely having enough time to spin around only to be met with a firm kick in the face. "Nobody's putting eggs in anybody!"

     "Mantis!" Deciding that it didn't matter if their attackers were Thanos or not, Blaise hurried forwards towards the girl that had attacked Mantis, ready to fight.

     Whirling around to see her, the girl's eyes widened as she took in the sight of an absolutely murderous Blaise fully prepared to murder her. Donning a jet black suit with electric blue hands wrapped around it, as Blaise took one running leap for the young girl, she disappeared.

      "What the -- " Blaise faltered, spinning in confusion. "Where did -- AAH!"

     As she had been searching for the girl, something had grabbed Blaise by the foot and swung her around, sending Blaise crashing back into rocky formations as dust fell around her. Practically growling, Blaise bolted up to her feet, doing a slow three sixty as she searched for even a slight sign of the girl.

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