Chapter 27

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I'm a horrible author I'm sorry. I've been working on Tables Turn and Dusted Ivory because this story is really hard to find motivation for tbh.

Clary POV

"Well what do you think we should name them?" I said, frustrated.

"I don't know OK," Jace replies, "Why don't we both say our top 4 names and then decide between them?"

I sigh. It wasn't the worst idea he's ever had I suppose. It's just frustrating that every time we've tried to figure out names we get into a fight because neither of us know what we want.

"Fine, I guess we can do that. But you're going first," I reply pointing accusing finger at him. He giggles at my attempts to be tough, reminding me that it's kind of difficult to seem tough when you're me and you're seven months pregnant. Good God I feel like a whale. I glareat him and he raises his hands mock surrender.

"All right, all right, I laugh because I love you." He laughs again before pecking my cheek, "So I guess my top four would be Emma and Bailey for a girl and Kyle and Brandon for a boy."

I smile at him loving how much he's thought about this. I raise a finger to my chin in a thinking pose, but quickly let it drop and start giggling instead.

"OK, my turn," I say excitedly, "I like Amy or Brianna for a girl and Justin or Alexander for a boy."

"Now that those are out there, why don't you pick a name from my options for the boy, and I'll pick for little Miss nobody?" Jace's proposition is met with quick agreement from me and then silence as we both think over options.

"OK, I think I've got mine."

"Me too. How about you tell me our little boys name first?"

"I've decided on," I pause, wanting to tease him a little bit, "Kyle for our lovely little boy!"

His eyes widen with surprise and happiness and he leans forward to hug me. Once he pulls back he takes a deep breath to steady himself.

"Our little girls name is... Amy!"

I feel so much happiness rush through me at hearing my baby girl's name for the first time that I practically leap on Jace, hugging him as tightly as I can.

And we remain like that for hours.


Yes finally your horrible author has brought you another memory of clary's. This book will be ending super soon I promise, which makes me sad but I'm relieved I'll be able to work on other things!

Fun fact; if I was a boy one of the 4 boy names would have been my name.

Thanks for reading!

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