Chapter Eight; Sympathy For The Parents.

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-Daisy B.-

I yanked the bus door open, momentarily letting go of Dean's hand. Twiggy was yelling loudly inside, while Tony Wiggins was snorting huge lines of cocaine right off the kitchen counter. He turned around when he heard the door swing open. "You brought some more pussy!" He yelled, reaching to put his arm around Nevada, she stumbled back putting her arms up in defense. My words fumbled around in my throat, I was too drunk to realize the actual situation. "Mere', baby. I won't hurt you." Tony tried to grab Nevada again, and I snapped. "Don't touch her!" Jeordie looked at me with a blank expression, his half erect dick hanging out from under his pink dress. Pogo was laughing like a freak from the floor, where he was curled into a ball. "I'm just going to take them." I grabbed their hands again, turned around and exited the bus once more, Tony Wiggins shouting profanities for me to bring 'The fucking whores back, and stop being selfish.' I found myself holding tight to the girls and leading them across the parking lot to Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails' bus. Thankfully we were criss crossing dates on the tour and they were here, they had arrived just hours before the show that night. It was so late and I was tired, Dean looked at me with her beautiful face and starry drunken eyes. "We can just sleep in the street or something." She mumbled, her blond hair swaying across her face. I slid my hand out of hers and knocked a few times on the bus door, after a few seconds of waiting a shirtless, and sleepy looking Trent opened the door. "Hi, Scott.. What's going on?" He gave me a questioning look, as he observed the girls presence "Tony is trying to pull his antics over on my friends could we- or they stay on your bus tonight. We can just sleep in the floor out of the way, or something." I rambled on. Trent's face softened when I said Nevada, and Dean were my friends. "Yeah, come on in," He looked down at his bare chest. "Sorry girls, I didn't know I'd have company. I'll be right back." Trent walked a few feet and grabbed a black tee shirt out of his bunk, and threw it on. "What did you say your names were." Nevada and Dean both looked at me with excitement, just a little while ago, they were dancing wildly to Nine Inch Nails in the club, now they're here on the same bands bus. Nevada stuck her pale hand out, large clunky rings decorated her fingers. "I'm Nevada Dee Lucas." Trent shook her hand. Dean looked up at me for reassurance, or something of the sort, before holding her own hand out for Reznor. "Dean Strawberry Gee Lucas." Trent nodded, "So, you two are sisters?" They girls shook their heads. "Yes, I'm her older sister.'' Nevada answered, pointing a finger at her younger sibling. "I'm Trent, Trent Reznor. It's good to meet you both, you'll have to meet the rest of my band in the morning." The girls beamed with glee, before saying it was nice to meet him as well. "Okay, well.. It's late you two look tired. Why don't you girls come get in bed, you can share my bunk." Trent put his hands on their backs and lead them to the cramped hallway, there he pushed the curtain to his bunk back and cleared some stuff away. "Are you sure, where will you sleep?" Nevada asked him, a concerned look spread across her face. Dean had already climbed up into the bunk, and was hunkered down in some kind of Indian style pose, watching her overly worried sister. "I'm sure." Trent closed his eyes for a second and nodded his head. Nevada bent down and took her shoes off, putting them next to her sisters on the floor. The drunken older girl fumbled around trying to get into the bunk, before Trent picked her up and put her in it. "Goodnight, if you all need anything Scott and I will be back here." He motioned his hand toward the back lounge. "Thank you." Dean said sincerely, laying her head down. "Yeah, thank you very much, Trent." Nevada agreed, laying her head down as well. Trent threw his black blanket over the pair, before closing the curtain. "Thank you so much, Trent." I put my hand on his back. "No problem, Scott."

-Reverend M. Manson.-

I woke up the taste of vomit still lingered in my mouth. Pieces of meat were scattered around on the floor, making what I remembered of last nights sick events come back into my mind. "Hey, Manson." Twiggy croaked, I looked up at the half naked bassist. "Last night was crazy wasn't it." He giggled, my head hurt so terribly it just sounded like a bunch of static coming from his mouth. My hands found the way to the counter top, to pull the rest of my aching body of the cold dirty bathroom floor. "I'm surprised Pogo didn't piss on you." Twiggy commented following me into the main area. The zip lock bags of Alprazolam, Diazepam, Morphine tablets, Clonazepam, Lorazepam, Oxycontin, and Percocets still sat around. "Hey, asshole." Pogo greeted, from the couch. "Fucker." I mumbled popping a few of the pills in my mouth. "Has anybody seen Daisy?" Ginger quizzed walking into the living area, "I've looked all over the place for him." I shook my head. "I haven't seen him since last nights show." Pogo laughed, "He probably got caught up in some girls, he's pussy crazy." Ginger made a face. "He'll eventually be back, don't worry." I reassured, before sitting myself down on the couch. "Where did that slut Angel go?" Pogo questioned. "She had to go home." Ginger answered. Pogo frowned, "I wanted to fuck her again." "Who ever decided to bring that red headed thing back to this bus should have their dick cut off, she was disgusting." I stated, looking up at Twiggy, since I knew it was him. "Yeah, she was pretty fucking gross." Twiggy agreed. "She was wild though." He continued, "I had never been in something like that before." He laughed, throwing his hands around in the air for emphasis. "Yeah, you have; Courtney Love." Twiggy looked at me with a sour face. "She's nice." Pogo threw his head back, "This is boring as fuck, I'm leaving." He stood up from his seat and left the bus like a bat out of hell. Just as he left Scott climbed up the staircase, followed by two rather attractive girls. "Hey, Scott. You're back." Ginger enthused, his voice squeaky. "Yeah, I am. I want you guys to meet my new friends." I looked over at Twiggy with an inquisitive face, what has Scott gotten into now?  

                                                                                           Words by Alistarr - hope ya'll like it.

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