Chapter Two; Scabs, Guns, & Peanut Butter.

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-Daisy B.-

They were beyond anything I'd see before. The kind of people you would want around, they both shared such a sweet, sad smile. I wanted to know everything about them. That girl Angel still was persistent about getting with me, but I had changed my mind about her. I looked up at the glowing bar sign, it was getting late. I smiled at all the fans, "I'm going to go now." I said to the male in front of me, "Alright." He spoke, shaking my hand. "How old do you have to be to get into this bar?" I asked the bouncer behind me. "18, why?" He answered with a question. "Just curious." I said, walking past him to my security guard that was still with Dean and Nevada. "Hi, again." I said, rubbing my sweaty palms together. Under the blue light of the Electric Ballroom sign. They both said their replies. "What did you want to see us for?" Nevada asked, "I don't want to sound weird, I just like you guys." I answered, I tried to make them comfortable, without sounding strange. "Oh." Nevada mumbled. "I don't know what everyone is doing back at my bus, probably drugs and I don't want them to think you guy's are groupies." I stated, "Where can we go then?" Dean finally spoke, she was clearly more nervous than Nevada. "Are you guys from here? We could walk around town." I suggested my ideal. "Yeah, we live an Hour or so from here, but we used to live here." Nevada answered, "So, you guy's know your way around?" I asked, talking with my hand's. They both nodded in union, "Yeah." Nevada said, just as Dean answered with "Yes" also. "Uh, wanna walk around?" I asked. I felt so comfortable around them, but tense. I wanted to impress them. "Yeah. Let's go." Dean said with a smile, I led them under the lights. Under closer surveillance I saw Bruises and Scabs on both of their bodies. "What's the name of this city?" I asked, grabbing their hand's on either side of me. "Knoxville." Nevada stuttered, "Knoxville, Tennessee. Is it?" I asked, looking over at the both of them. "Hmh, Correct." Dean mumbled. "You don't have to be so shy." I said, as we walked through the thinning parking lot. "I'm nervous." Dean answered, "Are you, Nevada?" I asked her. "A little." She awkwardly shook. As soon as we escaped the parking lot I let go of their hand's so they could lead the way through the down town city of Knoxville. Every Fifth teen feet a street light kept the road's bright. Bars and joint's for the older crowd lined the brick buildings. "So, how old are you two?" I asked, I didn't care, but I was curious and it sounded like something you would say to someone new. "I'm Fifth teen." Nevada spoke, I nodded understanding. "I'm Thirteen." Dean said, she looked a bit embarrassed. "I asked because everyone asks old how someone is. It doesn't change how I feel about you two." They both smiled, "I'm Twenty Seven, by the way." I told them. "I know.." Dean answered honestly, making me blush. "So?" I asked, "Yeah, so?" Dean asked me back. "Are you two Sisters?" I asked them both. "Yeah, we are." Nevada answered. "You two close?" I asked them. "Very. She is my best friend." Dean answered, "Aw, she's my best friend, too." Nevada said to her younger sister. As we walked together, silence took over, we had nothing to say. I wanted to ask about the bruises, but I don't want to ruin our fresh relationship. "How did you get those bruises?" I blurted out.

-Madonna Wayne Gacy-

I stepped out of our bus, they sent me to get Daisy "Hey, sweetie." I heard someone call, I turned to see this black haired girl. "Uh, Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Angel." She smiled a sweet, sinister smile. "Hello, then." I said, shaking her extended hand. "I'm Pogo." I said, in more of a statement. "What are you doing?" She asked, softly. "I'm looking for my Guitar player." "Do you want to post pone that and come hang out with me?" Angel asked. "Hell yeah!' I asked, walking away with her.

-Reverend M.Manson-

"Where the fuck did that little shit Pogo go?" I asked, blankly starring at our tour manager. "You said Pogo go." Twiggy laughed in his drug endued state. "What?" I tilted my head, the warmth covering my entire body made it hard to function. Even though I clearly was, I tried to look like I wasn't high. "Pogo Go." Twiggy laughed dryly. "Do I need to go find Daisy and Pogo?" Our Tour manager asked, looking up from his papers and tour laminates for every one of our up and coming shows. "That would be nice, we need to get out of here and to the next venue." I answered, "Okay." He huffed, pulling himself out of his seat. "Any thing else while I'm out?" He added, me and Twiggy looked at each other and snickered. "More drugs." Twiggy asked. I nodded 'yes'. Our Manager rolled his eyes, "Okay." He stated, walking out of our bus. "Where did Ginger go?" Twiggy asked, looking around the bus. "I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders while I peered over at my dread locked best friend. "I want to know where Ginger is." Twiggy said again, "Why?" I asked, rubbing my nose nostrils. "Because he is a very nice individual." Twiggy said, glaring at me with glossy eyes. "Ginger is a very nice guy." I nodded along. "Are you still high?" Twiggy asked me, "Eh, yes. Are you?" I replied, "Eh, yes." Twiggy chuckled. "Maybe he'll bring more back." I said while I leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes. The entire room was spinning and I felt like I was going to puke my gut's onto the floor. I wiped the sweat away on my forehead with the back side of my right hand. "You feelin' alright?" I heard the blurry voice of Twiggy asked. "Yeah." I answered, opening my eyes to the bleak bus. I felt so warm inside and it was dizzying. My movements felt stuck in slow motion as I tilted my head to look at Twiggy. It felt like my brain could slosh out of my ear if I titled my head too much. "It's so hot in here." Twiggy said dragging out the so part. "Manson?" Twiggy questioned, "Hmh?" "Where are we playing tomorrow?" I starred onward, raising my brow bone. I stood from my place on the couch, nearly falling. I fought gravity, I gripped the small booth that was a foot or so beside me. "Uh, let me look." I said, stumbling to our Tour Managers area. I scrambled through the papers until I found the schedule. "Uh, it's a place called Six-One-Six, in Memphis." I stuttered firmly. "Memphis? I thought we were in Toledo, Ohio tonight though?" Twiggy questioned. "No, no, Twiggs. We're in some shit place called Knoxville, Tennessee. We played Toledo on the Nineteenth. Today was the Twenty Fifth." I answered, trying to remember grave detail. "Today was?" Twiggy asked, looking confused. "Yeah, well, It's past Twelve. It's the Twenty Sixth now." I stated. "Okay." Twiggy ended our conversation. He is so high he could barely keep his head up, much less have a conversation. I am managing well with the drugs, we're friend's. At least I think I'm managing, there's no way I look like I'm on drugs. I found my way back to the couch, I decided it was best if I laid down for a bit. I just laid there on the blackness of the leather couch, trying to keep myself high until our Tour Manager brought back Pogo and more Drugs. I would take anything at this point.


"You fucking Whore. I'm going to cum on your plastic tits." I yelped to Angel before I slapped her. She told me I could be as rough as I wanted, that I could do what ever I wanted with her. "Fuck me, Pogo." She moaned as I quickened my past inside of her. "You slut." I moaned as I felt myself climaxing. "Fuck." I muttered, grabbing her breast and rubbing her nipples raw before I finally let go. She spread her legs open more as I gripped her tiny hips. I dug my fingernails into her bony skin. "You fucking deserve this." I moaned as I orgasmed. You're such a whore, such a dirty fucking whore." I gasp, having my way with this girl. "Oh, Pogo! Please!" She begged. This girl lived up to her name as Angel, she would let you doing literally anything to her. And she was a hot piece of ass. "Does your Daddy fuck you as hard as I do?" I moaned as I came inside of the condom. "No, no.. he doesn't!" Angel yelped as she came all over me my latex covered dick. As we rode out our natural high's I punched her in her teeth. She just took it and smiled afterwards. I pulled out of her, and rolled the condom off before I tied it up. "Can I have that?" She asked pointing to the condom with her long fake nails. I shrugged my shoulders, "Sure." I said as I handed to over to her. I wiggled around to get my clothes back on. "Hey, I want your number for when my band's back in town." I said as I managed to get my pant's back on. "Here..." Angel said as she reached into the front seat to get her pocket book. She reached out a note pad and pen, she scribbled down her number and name. "Here, doll babe." Angel said as she ripped the small paper from it's booklet and handed it to me. "Thanks." I smiled, as I took the paper. She slung her pocket book back into the front seat. I finished dressing myself finally. "Thanks for the sex." I grinned, "Any time." Angel said, leaning back still naked. I opened the back seat door and climbed out of her car. I waved her off before I slammed the door behind me. I looked down at her number in my hand, I'd have to put this some place safe.

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