First Day

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I wake up from the sound of my alarm clock, I sigh over to see that it said 6:33 and I have to be at school at 7:45 "Shit" I mumble to myself and go over to my closet, I pick out a Three Days Grace t-shirt,black skinny jeans, and my grey converse.when I throw that on I go to the bathroom and brush my brown hair and put it up in a messy bun. I put my hat on and head down the stairs to see my mom and her boyfriend standing there glaring at me "What the fuck?" my mom asks "What?" "Your outfit" "So" "So you need to change" "No" I said and she got angry with me. she told her boyfriend Jason to go hit me so as I start to walk out he comes up behind me and punches me straight in the back "Shit" I knew it was gonna leave a bruise so I run out and when I look back I see Jason throwing knives at me "What the fuck?" he never throws knives, its usually shoes or some other shit. I think he ran out of them and then I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder, I look back and see a knife sticking out of it and blood messing up my shirt "Fuck you Jason" I screamed and heard him laugh. The knife ended up falling out and I had to use my shirt to bandage it up
And that's only when I got to the bus. I sit in the very back with my 'group' mostly drug dealers, or sluts but neither of them get caught and I'm the leader
I'm Jessica Also known as Jess. No body ever messes with me because no one has ever got away to tell the story.Im 17 and this is my first day of school
"Yo, Jess what happened to your shoulder" Tony said he's the 2nd in command if I'm not here for that day
"Jason.That fucking idiot punched me in the back and threw knives at me and nailed me in my shoulder"
"Damn" Brittany said touching the my shoulder "Ouch!" I screamed "That hurt" "Sorry" I was glad I got to sit down so I pulled another piece of my shirt off and told Tony to replace it. He did, I think of him like a brother to me. sometimes we would sneak out and steal shit and make it out before we got caught. I pulled out my IPod and started listening to 'Duality' by slipknot. I guess I kinda dozed off because Tony tapped me on my shoulder so I turned off my iPod and walked out of the bus. We all walked in Me,Tony, and Brittany and we walked to our first class. I had Homeroom then Math and I guess they were the same teacher so I sat down and put my feet on the desk as everyone started to pour into the class room then A beaut came in
Dirty Blonde hair, nice lips, curved hips. She was in a pair of white jeans and a muscle t-shirt with a gray jacket. She told us her name
"Katie's the first name Wolfs the last so you can call me Ms.Wolf or Katie, I don't care but you have to respect me"
She said glaring at me, next thing I know is that she walked over to my desk and pushed my feet off the desk "Excuse Me?" I said looking into her eyes "No feet on the desk!" she said with no emotion "And what if I put them back up there?"I said. I could tell she was getting really mad at me but all of a sudden I feel a drop of blood going down my shoulder "Shit" I mumble and run out of class to the girls bathroom. I stand at the sink and undo the piece of my shirt covering the spot, I rinse it off seeing all the blood poor down the sink and grab a paper towel. I start to wrap it up and then I feel a pair of eyes on me. It's Katie
"Isn't you name Jessica?" She said looking at the paper towel "Yeah" I say trying to wrap it up "Let me help" she said and I felt her hands start to wrap it up better, I started to get warm and a fuzzy feeling with her next to me "Thanks Ms.Wolf" I said as we started to leave "Meet me after class and we can talk" so I walked In and actually paid attention to this lesson.Thats so not like me What is up? I can't like a teacher I just can't.

-End of class-

I was about to walk out when I was stopped by Katie "Didn't I tell you to stay after class?" "Oh yeah so what did you want to talk about?" "How did that happened?" she said pointing to my shoulder "Why should I tell you?" I say as I sit down in front of her "Either tell me or I will take you to the principal" I could tell she was serious "Um... I slipped" I said and pulled my sleeve down "What happened here?" she said a touched my back "Ouch!, you had to touch there!' "Jess what happened?" she said and looked too concerned "Okay I'm show you but down freak Okay?" she nodded and I pulled my shirt off to where I just had on a bra still trying to avoid that spot "Hold on, ill turn around" I said and she was looking at my bra, it kinda turned me on so I turned around and she gasped "Jess? What happened?" she said as I was putting on my shirt "My mom told her boyfriend to hit me and so he hit me and when I tried to run he started throwing knives. That's how that happened" I pointed towards my shoulder "Awwww poor Jess" "It's okay I'm use to it" "Okay so he hit you and threw knives, so what is on your arm?" she said and I got nervous "They look like cuts" she said and I froze then she pulled up her sleeve "I used to do that too" I saw old cuts and scars
"So we meet tomorrow and if I see anymore cuts/bruises Im taking you home with me" she pulled down her sleeve and I walked out
What the fuck just happened? I'm supposed to be the badass chick and I fall for a nice teacher? Why did I just confess so easily? I don't know

The bad girl and the nice teacher (teacher/student) Lesbian Story [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now