Chapter 5: New Student

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Jungkook's POV

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Jungkook's POV

I sat in my desk with my head resting on my hand, fiddling with my pencil in the other. All I could do was stare at the only girl I could ever love from across the room.

The bell signaling that class was now beginning rang and our teacher Mr. Jun entered the room with a fairly shorter boy following behind him whom I didn't recognize. Some of the class noticed him too and started talking.

"Is that the new student?" "Oh wow, he's really cute!" "I hope he sits next to me!" "He's short." Are all things I heard my class saying. He wasn't bad looking, but he's no model. I don't get what they're all so worked up about.

"Okay class, settle down, settle down. Jimin, you can go have a seat next to Y/n. Y/n, please raise your hand!" Mr. Jin ordered. The class was silent as Y/n lifted her hand up.

The boy now known as Jimin sat down next to her. As he adjusted his chair to get more comfortable, he smiled at her.

I saw the blush on her cheeks and I remember the way I used to make her blush that way.

Every time I complimented her, matter of fact. Like that one time at school last year...

I was walking alongside of Y/n during class change. We were outside, so the lighting of the sun hit her face perfectly. Every detail of her face was now clearly visible.

Her dimples... her freckles, everything. She was just so beautiful. Especially with the outfit she was wearing; her hair in two side buns, big gold hoop earrings, a black strapless shirt, light blue ripped jeans, sandals, and a gold necklace of my name that I bought her for her birthday along with many other things.

She peered over at me in response to my staring. "What?" She said laughing. "So fucking sexy," I said biting my lip with a smirk, watching the pink dust of blush spread across her face. I laughed as she playfully pushed me.

"You're annoying," she said with a smile that gave me butterflies in my stomach.

I sighed in desperation as I broke free from my thoughts and looked up to see Y/n and Jimin conversing. "Ahaha, you're so funny!" I heard her say while giggling. "I like your laugh, it's cute." Jimin said lifting her chin up with her thumb.

Whatever he's doing, flirting or being "nice," he needs to stop.

I kept waiting for Mr. Jun to catch them and embarrass the hell out of them, but he never did.

More laughter came from that side of the room and I already knew who it was from and why.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

I lost it once I saw his hand on her thigh.

I stood up and walked over to them. I cleared my throat as I approached them. "Hey bozos, do you mind shutting up and paying the hell attention? This isn't a flirt fest, it's school. And by the way Jimin, she's off limits so back the hell off." I spoke silencing the whole room.

"Off limits? Says who?!" Y/n fired back. "Says me! Are you seriously moving on already?" I retorted with a hint of hurt in my voice. Jimin sat silently but the fact that he was displeased with me was clear to see. "Are you kidding me, Jungkook? I literally just meant him not even five minutes ago!"

Mr. Jun turned around from the chalkboard and told me to return to my seat. Once seated again, Mr. Jun finally said something to them. "Although he should have stayed in his seat and let me handled it, he's right. You'll have to socialize on your own time and not in my classroom. Now if you all don't mind, please get your notebooks out and get ready to copy down these notes."


Hey! Sorry for the short chapter everyone. It's currently 2am and I'm really tired but I really wanted to update this story. Anyways, I have a state tournament this weekend (Friday-Sunday) and my birthday's on Monday! So that's my excuse if I don't update during that time period.

Thank you all for reading!❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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