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6:57 am. 30th of October 2015

ALL IT TOOK was four taps on Alexandra's shoulder to wake her up from her ephemeral slumber. Nevertheless, she can very clearly hear the persistent voice of her mother nagging and calling out her name "Alexandra! you're gonna be late!"

It was a ravishing Friday morning yet she still wasn't used to the unpredictable weather of Verthedge. She thought to herself as she stretched her arms "Today marks two whole months of me essentially living there. That's Cool." It wasn't her first couple of months here, as a matter of fact the sinister yet homely town was where Alex grew up, it was sure a long stay. From the very moment she lost her first tooth, six, up until she flowered and became the women she is today. Fourteen.

However, on a stormy January night in
2012, five knocks on her door followed by her parents abrupt order to pack her bags caused a haze of confusion. Puzzled out of her mind Alex sat on the edge of her bed and watched as her father packed her bags for her.

Her questions were either rudely interrupted or completely ignored. The next thing she knew was being aggressively grabbed by her pink sweater all the way to the bus station with tears running down her face as she accepted the fact that she'll unwillingly move to New York City with her stepmother Sophia. That was when she met her older half-brother Leo.

It was the darkest time in her transient lifetime, Alexandra was beyond bewildered. She felt as if they rejected her in a way. The strange event kept playing over and over in her head. She would try to contact them via her phone, send them heartfelt letters about how much she missed them but got no responses. Did they even bother to read them?

As every letter was sent, she began to care less and less. A reckless Alexander spent her days getting into very frequent trouble, as frequent as every weekend. She was sneaking out, drinking, and partying. It was a shocker to many that the infamous party girl was a virgin, even to Alex herself. It was the one thing that made her feel somewhat pure.

At the end of the day, Alex always kept in mind that she couldn't have gotten into all those parties if it weren't for Leo. She secretly blamed him for it, but as they got closer, she realized she's also to blame. He never forced her into anything. It seemed easier pointing fingers at others for your misery. Years pass like days when your life is falling apart.

Their friendship was nonexistent when she first moved, but he learned to care for his little sister as time went by. Yes, he used to take her to sketchy locations and technically turned her bad but he always kept her safe. For instance, if someone laid a hand on her, he'd brake his bones. Maybe more than a few bones, he'd then unapologetically smile from ear to ear in his mugshot. That was the kind of person he was. In their eyes, that makes up for it.

When Sophia realized how much she's a failure as a mother and noticed Leo and Alex's behavior, she kicked out Alexandra without a second thought. She sent her own son to a catholic boarding school somewhere in the countryside.

As Alexander stopped reminiscing and finally recollected her thoughts, she realized how late she was. She quickly sprung out of her soft silk sheets and attempted to take a quick shower that wasn't so quick after all. Alexandra always took her time though, rushing wasn't her thing.

Glancing at her phone, she realized she was fourty-three minuets late. "What the hell, Alex" she whispered to her self as she hand brushed her soft blonde locks. She peeked at the mirror as she was sprinted her way out of her room and giggled at her thought "Not disappointed, not disappointed at all."

Her mother, Larissa, reminded her to wear her necklace as she gave her a cup of vanilla flavored coffee, a peck on the cheek, and her car keys.

She entered her first class with a slight smirk she always wears and apologized for missing the first half of the Chemistry session. Alexandra watched as everyone gazed at her with lovey dovey eyes and reddened cheeks. It was an everyday thing. Although Alex always knew in the back of her head she was no ordinary looking girl, she was as humble as humble can be.

She found herself seated next to Julian Harbor. Her best friend who dates her other.. best... friend. She reminded herself that he was off limits for so many reasons yet she couldn't help but wonder why she found him so cute. What is so special about him? Was it his silken tan skin or was it his curly hair that had an inclination to be ruffled? Either way Camilla Richards is one lucky girl.

Texting her way through her classes, she thanked the lord every time the bell rang. A few approaches of different cliques here and there between classes was something she's used to, she's ultimately the most popular girl in Verthedge Highschool.

Later that night she'd attend a halloween party that was held by her clique member, Arya Meyers. Alexandra thought it would be nice of her to invite both Anthony and Maria, the final two members in her infamous clique, to help her pick a costume.

Contemplating between being a pirate and or a nurse, she picked the latter just so she can flaunt her full plump lips with red lipstick. Her makeup was done flawlessly by Maria. Chiefly, all Anthony did was watch as Alex got all glammed up. He did his fair share of talking about how badly he was crushing on Camilla.

In her day to day life, Alexandra didn't wear clothing that flaunted her breasts just because she wasn't allowed to, but halloween is an exception. It always has been. She really thought no one would recognize her in a tight dress that accentuated her slim hourglass figure oh so nicely. She was, she was recognized by every person she encountered.
Alexandra looked down at her perfect D cups and thought "So, people know you two exist now. That's nice!"

Walking around in the crowd, she unclipped her luscious curls and let it fall loose on her shoulders, she felt the eyes of Julian captivate her. That was the night she truly messed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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