Chapter Three

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"why are you helping me?" he smiled. She looked at him weird "you were better when you weren't talking." and rolled her eyes but smiled after.

he doesn't know what so different about the woman standing infront of him. Versace only saw her eyes and he was pleased with what he saw.

that part only made him tremendously hard, that part only made him want to rip her clothes off and make her his whore, that part only made him want to cause her immense pain.

that's what he was into.

He was a sadist. So, Can you really blame him?

He felt his cock erect as he stared right into her innocent eyes, he knew under all that, she was fragile. he made it his goal to find her once more and make her his submissive, his whore.

He smirked "do i get a name.. as a prize?"

hmm.. his voice. his voice did something to her, it made her thighs clench, it made her panties dripping wet, it was like music to her ears. she couldn't handle it. she needs to leave and if she didn't.. she'd let him unapologetically fuck the living shit out of her. "not now, Val, not yet." she thought.

Instead she smiled "i'll tell you this, i think i might've saved your life today.. just be careful, i don't live around here, won't be here to save your ass next time."

they stared at each other with immense lust, wanting to rip eachother's clothes off, but she had to break eye contact and she might have thought of the perfect idea of how to do so.

she asked him to close his eyes saying "pretty please!"

he asked what he'd get out of it,
she smiled "a memory"

He snapped "so you can shoot me? Victor sending his pretty girls to seduce me, cute move."

She murmured "yes! i'm here to kill you! you caught me! mr mysterious sexy cheekbones!"

her laugh was full of life, it was pleasing to him, he wanted to hear it over and over but his desire to hurt her so was only increasing by the second. he laughed too, hiding his intentions oh so well.

she insisted "come on, please!"

he closed his eyes and heard "don't peek!" along with a innocent giggle, he smiled. when he opened his eyes he found her bandana rapped around his eyes and she was nowhere to be found. but at least he now has her intoxicating sweet smell to hold on to.

the more he thought about her and searched for her, the more he remembered it wasn't actually their first time meeting. he knew it wasn't the first time he saw those piercing blue eyes and her unique beauty mark. She had a scar possibly a result of a car accident above her eyebrow. it was small but he noticed it. after all, he was an observant man.

In early 2015 (Valentina was only 16, while he was 24.) (8 year age gap) he had an intense fight with his mom, so intense he couldn't bare it. Mrs Versace was dying from Ovarian Cancer and he didn't care. not one bit.

he was siting, staring into nothing, his eyes filled with a fluid he didn't know he was capable of producing, just thinking.

that was when Damien was approached by a young woman, he was uninterested, she looked very young. too young. he didn't even bother looking at her features. that was how he was generally approached by woman who wanted him.

she asked clearly concerned with her innocent little voice "i couldn't help but notice you, sir. whatever it is bothering you, tell me. i'm here for whatever it is."

he smiled "well, you're a nice kid, what are you doing here all alone.. at night?"

"i'm not a kid" she rebuked.

he laughed "you look like you're 12."

She shouted "i came to help! i'm 17! in november, but nevertheless i'm technically 17!"

he laughed once more "okay okay, well i had a fight with my mother and she's.. dying.. i feel bad because she's the only woman i respect yet she doesn't know how to use her words. which upsets me."

Valentina raised an eyebrow "you're stupid"

"Excuse me?" he said.

"You're really extremely tremendously stupid" she made herself clear.

she got up and took and a deep breath and explained "go apologize. when she dies, you'll feel a huge amount of guilt and regret, and no one likes that. just swallow your pride and prove to her you're sorry. it'll be worth it. that's a promise. do it as soon as you can, trust me on this, you'll feel a weight lifted off your shoulders."

he smiled as if he saw an angel, a sinful angel. she was very wise for her age. she was very intelligent. he pictured her becoming a lawyer once she's older and ironically that's what she majored in. law.

he actually took her advice and apologized to his mother. later that night, his mother died. he was so pleased that he saw the young blonde earlier that night, if he hadn't, he would've never forgave himself. and because of her, he felt no remorse and gladly continued his life without any weight on his shoulders.

When Damien remembered this experience, it's like he awakened from a dream, he was convinced she belongs to him, which is why she popped up out of nowhere and saved him twice. he knew this woman wasn't going anywhere.

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