Chapter 4 - 17 July 1968

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A/N: Hello again! We've skipped, but we'll be skipping back at some point. Btw The White Album is actually my favourite Beatles album, it's got some tough competition, and it changes every few months lol, but it's just got so many of my favourite songs on there, and is just so whimsical and relaxing that I love it - just so you know - I don't know I get the feeling Jane would respond a bit differently to it, so that's why she does. What's your fav Beatles album?

17th July 1968

Jane looked in the mirror and gave another large tug at her dark green dress – one of the 21 Paul had given her as a birthday present last year – and thanked god that 60s fashion leaned heavily on either shift dresses, or large flowy numbers. She was afraid, at first, that she looked a little like a Christmas tree, but finally just decided to swallow her nerves and get on with the show.

She was more nervous than, perhaps, she cared to admit. Although she had been to premiere's with Paul before, as the official 'girlfriend' (and not just 'good friends'), this would be the first time she would be attending a Beatles film premiere. Not to mention the recent announcement they had made, both formally confirming their engagement, but also of their intention to marry soon. There had been two sides battling inside Jane as to how she wanted to approach this engagement, on the one hand, as a very private person, she wanted to be able to marry Paul in private, without having to discuss her relationship with strangers, but on the other Paul was a Beatle. It was part of the reason she had fallen in love with him – his music – and the fame and public interest came with it. Furthermore, when re-evaluating it, and being given time to think, it gave their relationship the renewal, the reconfirmation that it needed after so long a stretch of uncertainty.

For all of these reasons, this meant that eyes would firmly be on her, a situation that she had had to become used to, with being an actress, but she still disliked the attention being on her as a person, not her performance. An occupational hazard of being a Beatle girlfriend – soon to be wife – was getting lost in the haze of their magnificent success. Not – she amended – that it was enormously better for Paul, perennially being labelled the 'cute' Beatle, with no nuance allowed.

She let out a sigh, glanced at her reflection one last time, and then started to make her way downstairs, where she knew Paul would be waiting.

'That dress looks wonderful dear, have I seen it before?' Paul teased, causing Jane to let out a short chuckle, and her face to ease into a smile. One – of the many – reasons she loved Paul was the way he managed to relieve tension, to make her laugh, smile, and feel happy. This was surely worth giving up a thousand jobs.

'Hmm you might have, I wouldn't know.' Jane replied, letting out a giggle when Paul grabbed her hips and pulled her into him. His mouth hovered ever so slightly over her own – she was having to strain her neck considerably, and he was bending down over her – and when he spoke she could feel his breath caressing her face.

'I seem to remember that it looked better off.' Paul said, giving her a wink before kissing his way down her neck, and giving a playful bite at the join of her shoulder. Jane clasped her hands around his back to steady herself, and leaned into his touch. It, touch – him – was a welcome distraction from the piling nerves, part of her – the ever so tightly controlled, rebellious part – wanted to just say fuck it, and drag him up to their bedroom and spend the rest of the night snug and safe in his embrace. The practical side of herself however, soon came to the forefront.

'Paul.' She said, rather more breathily than she had wanted it to be.

'Hmm, love?' He replied, one hand at the base of her back, the other at her breast.

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