Chapter 4

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"You look beautiful Chels."

I guess Sam was right, men like women who wear dresses. Though I am totally feeling uncomfortable wearing this. I can't help but feel exposed.

"Thanks. Shall we head out?" I ask Tom, pulling the attention away from myself. He smiles, "We shall."

Walking out to the lot, I see a black Mercedes Benz parked. "Is this your car?" Surely it can't be. Tom looks at me, "Just a rental while I'm here. I usually don't drive anything this fancy," he unlocks the door automatically. Tom walks over to my door and opens it.

Chivalry isn't dead.

"Thank you, Tom." I feel the hot leather seats seare the bottom of my thighs. Yet another reason I don't like wearing dresses or skirts.

We head into the city, soft rock coming from the radio. I glance over at Tom, his eyes shining even in the dark. He has a grin on his face.

"So where are we going?" breaking the silence between us. He looks over to me with the most precious face, "Ever been to Chili's?"

The way he asked that question made me laugh. "Chili's? Of course I have." His smile still prominent, "I adore Chili's!" he gasps.

At this point I'm trying my hardest not to bellow over with incredulous laughter. He looks at me, noticing my need to laugh. "Something funny Chels?"

I see that his smile is fading but his eyes are still joyous. "No, it's just.....I've never met anyone who thinks Chili's is the greatest place ever." He laughs.

"Ah I see. Must be wierd then, right?" I nod my head. "We don't have a Chili's back home, in London, and well.....I've had many good times there with some of my cast mates. He food is delicious!"

He pulls the car into the packed parking lot of Chili's. In a way it's kind of cool that of all the fancy restaurants in Santa Fe, he chose the less fancy, more family oriented place.

He walks around the car, opening my door and lending out his hand. I take his hand and step out adjusting my dress and hair. "Shall we?" he asks holding his arm out. "We shall," I say interlocking my arm in his.

Tom reserved a table for the two of us away from the bar, which is overly crowded tonight. The live music is only 5 feet from us though, which I guess it's better than drunken weirdos.

We start off with drinks and an appetizer of artichoke dip and chips. "So, Chels, tell me about yourself."

I wipe off dip residue off my lips and take a sip of my margarita. "Ummm, well let's see....what'd you like to know?" I absolutely hate talking about myself which is probably why I haven't had a boyfriend in over two years.

"Anything you'd like to tell me. What are your dreams, your likes and dislikes, pet peeves."

"I don't like talking about myself, so that's one dislike," I say laughing nervously. He just smiles.

"I am a bit of an English and film nerd. On a perfect day, I like to relax while having a movie marathon or sitting out on my patio, reading a book or play...."

"What's your favorite? Of all the mediums you listed?" Tom looks intrigued.

"My all time favorite film is probably Taxi Driver, I saw it when I was about 10 and that's when I fell in love with movies," I break my dialogue to clear my throat.

"I love all books, really. And as for plays, I'm a huge classics nerd. Shakespeare especially. If I could meet a guy who spoke & wrote as elegant as he, I'd be in love."

Tom leans in his chair, arms crossed with an amused look on his face. "Okay, what's your favorite Shakespeare piece?"

Within 5 seconds of him asking I answer, "Othello."

"Quote something from Othello." Tom demands.

First line that pops in my head was:

I never knew woman love man so.

Tom just looks at me.

"Alas, poor rogue, I think, i' faith, she loves me."

My jaw drops. "You know Othello? My lord." He laughs before continuing.

"I played Cassio in Othello years back. I love all of Shakespeare's works. The man, well, he is a genius."

My hands clench in my lap, my heart racing and my face reddening. I suppose through my google search, I should have noticed the man dabbled in theatre.

Our food comes to our table, which allows me to calm myself. "Just a salad Chels?"

"It's a big salad," I laugh. "I'm a vegetarian, Tom." It was when I said that, Tom shifts in his seat staring at the steak upon his plate uncomfortably.

"Oh no no, don't feel bad. I'm not one of those insane people who'll lecture you about meat and how cruel it is. People have to right to eat what they want, I just prefer not to eat animals."

If the whole date before this wasn't awkward, I think it officially is now. "So, how'd you land the role in Thor?"

He finishes chewing his steak, gently setting his fork and knife down beside his plate. "Well, Kenbeth Branagh and I knew each other. He suggested I audition for Thor, but in the end I ended up as Loki."

I wasn't sure if I should fangirl about how much I adore Branagh and greatly admire his work, in front of Tom but I did anyway.

"Branagh is incredible. First time I saw him was when he played Iago in 'Othello' in '96. I was 8 years old. Because of him, I'm obsessed with Shakespeare. And now I get to work for him, ugh."

Could I make myself sound anymore crazy and obsessed? Probably.

Luckily not.

"You're a very knowledgeable young lady, Chels. You have a bright future in whatever you want to do, I can tell. You're going to make an impact on the world."

Okay, I think I might have died a little inside.

After finishing our dinner, Tom takes me back to my apartment, walking up with me. "I had a fantastic time. Thank you."

I stand in front of my door, hearing nothing and knowing Sam wasn't home. Tom's eyes look down on me with his hands fidgeting in his pants pocket.

"As did I," he takes a deep breath. "I'd love to do it again sometime...." He steps closer to me.

Our bodies are about 2 inches apart.

"I'd love that. So I'll see you Monday?"


Tom steps back a few inches, grinning ear to ear. He runs his hands through his silky black hair letting out a "ehehehe." Before he heads down the stairs, he glances me up and down, staring into my eyes.

"Monday it is. Enjoy the rest of your weekend Chelsea," he says with a wink.

Then he was gone.

I open my apartment door to see Sam sitting in the chair by the breakfast bar.

"No kiss?" she snoops.

I shake my head, "No," and head to my bedroom, locking the door behind me.

A kiss would have been the perfect ending, yes. But the timing wasn't right.

The second date however, well that could end totally different.

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