Chp. 7

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I grabbed the car keys from the table near the door, and flung the front door open. I heard my dad ask me something, but I didn’t understand it as the door slammed behind me. It probably had something to do with what I was doing. The cool, night breeze whipped at me as I trudged to the small car, and immediately unlocked it. Maybe if I had some quiet to clear my head, I’d feel better. All I knew was that my mind was racing, and I wanted to drive away from my life- especially my mom and her screwed up, high standards.

    As I fell back into the seat, I turned on the ignition and some English talk show blared from the speakers of the radio. Instead of turning it down, I let it be and put the car in reverse. I needed something to remind me that we were in Europe.

    I backed out of the driveway, and before I sped off, I saw my dad open the door and yell something at me. His face was a dark red, so I guess he was mad that I was taking the car for a joy ride in a foreign place… Which was understandable. I’d shoot my kid if they ever did this.

    But, he would have to wait.

    I pulled the gear into Drive, and pushed down on the accelerator. The car lurched as I took off down the stretched highway. I focused my eyes on the dim clustered lights in the distance and gripped the steering wheel. That small town was my destination for the moment.

    As I drove the long stretch of road, the thought of my mom smacking me kept reappearing in my mind. I just couldn’t get over the fact that she actually did it, even though I did probably deserve it. I mean, I almost called her a bitch. It still didn’t make the situation any less than it was though.

   My cheek tingled. I snaked one of my hands up, and lightly touched it. I had a feeling that it was red.

    Tears rimmed my eyelids. I squeezed them shut to keep the tears from falling. I was upset. I’ll admit it. I was sick of my mom always having a problem with everything in my life. I was sick and tired of feeling worthless to her because I wasn’t exactly like her as a teenager. It hurt my feelings that she didn’t care for Luke when he was basically the one thing I cherished most. He made me laugh like a four year old and I felt like I could be myself around him. It’s hard for me to let people in, but with him it’s different. She couldn’t see that though, and that’s what stabbed at me the most.

    She never once gave him a chance, not even for me. In fact, she’s never given any guy a chance that I’ve dated. No wonder Matt doesn’t have a girlfriend. He’s probably too afraid to even think about it after all the ruckus I’ve caused with my past dating experiences.

    “It is 8:35. Do you know where your children are?” The voices of the radio brought me back to reality. I laughed at the ridiculousness of the question they asked. My parents’ child just drove off in their car only being two hours in Europe, leaving them stranded until I came back. So, no. My parents actually have no clue where I am. But I did know that I was going to be screwed when I rolled up later tonight.

    I kept driving, and listening to the English radio as I approached the infamous lights of the town. They were connected to small buildings, and street posts. I slowed my speed, and peered out of my foggy window. An old grey sign read: Welcome to St. Albans. *Cultural landmark of the Romans*

    The road narrowed into a two way lane as I carefully maneuvered my way into St. Albans. If this wasn’t a village, I didn’t know what was. I scanned the small buildings, and nifty shops. No building was higher than four stories, and they were all made up of cobblestone. The streets were flooded with people as they wandered in and out of shops, or just clustered in groups and talked.

    I had no idea what this place was, but I was slowly wanting to get out and converse with these people- anything would be better than arguing with my family, or seeing their faces.

    Turning down the radio, I searched the street corners for any places to park. This was the perfect place to clear my head. A treat shop caught my eye, and I instantly turned the car into their cramped parking lot.

    Getting out of the car, I smelled the aroma of pastries I had never smelled before. Taking a big whiff, I smiled before pulling my beanie farther down on my head.

    There were street performers playing violins across the street. A big crowd surrounded them as they clapped along to their beat. I silently wanted to join.

     I felt like I was in some sort of fairytale. These were the things you saw in Disney movies where the story takes place in villages like this- villages where magic seemed to happen.

    A lopsided smile sat on my lips as I made my way through the street and just took in every aspect. Some people gave me weird stares, but I didn’t mind. I was too caught up in the moment to think of anything but how I was waltzing down the street in a town where no one knows my name. This was new, and especially different.

    Curiously walking into a pastry shop, I wondered over to the glass counter top which held every treat you could possibly imagine. I pressed my hands against the cold surface and let my stomach rumble. I was starving, and eyeing delicious donuts wasn’t going to help.

    “Do you want one?” The voice of a man behind the counter made me jump. Peering up at him sheepishly, I shook my head.

    “I wish, but I don’t have any money. They look me gusta though.” He crinkled his eyebrows. Apparently mixing Spanish with English is not something they do often over here. ‘Sorry, I meant that they looked delicious.”

    “Oh, well you can have one if you want.” He grinned ear to ear, and scratched the back of his balding head. He seemed like he had, had an exhausting day.

    “For free?”

    “We throw them out every night at closing if they aren’t purchased, and we are about to close. So, why not?” In one swift motion, he snatched the donut I was eyeing, and wrapped it in waxed paper.

    “I couldn’t…” He held out the donut, and it made my stomach rumble like a dying whale all over again. “But, if you insist.” I gratefully took the pastry in my hand and bit off a big chunk of it.  I smiled cheekily at him as I thanked him through a mouth full of donut.

    He laughed, before sauntering over to another woman at the cash register. I leaned myself against the countertop, as I devoured the rest of my treat. If this would’ve happened in America, I would’ve had to pay five dollars for this thing, and possibly be snapped at by the tired snob behind the counter. So far, I was liking the English hospitality.

    Crumpling up the wax paper, I turned on my heel and came right in contact with two cups full of milkshakes. The shakes toppled all over me as I fell to the ground. It was all over my shirt, and scattered through my hair. This was great, just great.

    Wiping a piece of sticky goop off me, I groaned and helped myself up. Everyone was staring at me, including the lanky boy who was carrying an empty cup holder, and just staring at the mess he made with the biggest eyes.

    He didn’t help me up or anything, just stood there with his mouth slightly ajar and his hands in the air. The kid was trying not to laugh.

*Okay, this chapter was sorta more of a descriptive chapter of inside Carter's mind, without alot of dialogue. Its shorter than the others because of that reason, but I think its still a pretty good chapter overall. This is the last chapter I will be posting until possibly saturday or next week due to my busyness, and Warped Tour being on Thursday. (Cue five second dance party). Leave me alot of feedback on this chapter since I wont be posting for some time. Knock the comments dead, lovelies (:*

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