Chp. 5

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I tore open my bag of airplane peanuts, and stuffed a handful of them in my mouth. They tasted pretty stale, so now I understood the reason why the flight attendants were so urgent about handing them away. They pestered me about eating some for an hour, until I broke down and gave in. Now, I was gulping down water to get the taste out of my mouth.

    “So, did you and Luke have sex?” Bits of peanuts flew from my brother’s mouth as he stuck his nose in my business. We had taken off only two hours ago, and Matt hadn’t shut his mouth for two seconds, unless it was to eat food. What did I expect though from sitting next to him instead of my mom?

    “Stop eating your peanuts like a horse.” I threw a napkin at him, as I lounged back against my seat. He smeared the paper across his lips.

    “You didn’t answer my question.”

     “You never answered my question either.”

     Shoving his hand deeper into the peanuts, he gave me a confused look. “What was your question?”

     “Why do you even want to know?” For being a guy, Matt always wanted to know everything about my life. It was like he was secretly a girl inside, and only appeared to be a boy. It wouldn’t surprise me.

    “You don’t have to tell me. It’s pretty obvious you guys did.” He quickly touched my neck where my hickey was located. I shrugged him away.

    “Matt, I know you don’t get much action, if any, with the ladies, but just because you have a hickey it doesn’t mean you slept together.” Apparently I had risen my voice, because my mom gave me a deathly look before looking out the window from across the aisle. Either she knows that I have a hickey, or she thinks I’m teaching Matt “Sex 101”. In all honesty, I would rather it be the first option.

    Matt combed his hair to the side, and opened his mouth to say something else, but I quickly tuned him out with my music. I was done with this conversation. When he has a girlfriend, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to ask him about his sex life. That’s just weird. If he actually talked about normal things, maybe we would have a better relationship as siblings, but most of the time all he wanted to do was pry in my business or talk about his interest in politics. Both, I more than likely want to avoid.

    As the beginning of the song started blaring through my headphones, I leaned myself up against the arm rest of my chair, and watched my brother. He had already moved on to the next level of boredom which was playing Angry Birds on his ipod. His dark, shaggy hair covered his face while he focused on killing the green pigs. I gulped down the rest of my pint sized water, and shut my eyes. Maybe if I went to sleep, I’d wake up and we’d be in Europe. It was much better than having to stare at my family for the next several hours, one of which who was almost to the point of strangling me.

    I must have dozed off, because a light turbulence jolted me awake, and the song blaring in my ear wasn’t the song I last remembered listening to. Drowsily scanning the plane, I noticed that most of the passengers were asleep. My dad was snoring- no surprise. I didn’t really care to see what my mom was doing, so I didn’t even waste my time looking.

    “Fu-“ My heart skipped a beat as I looked to my side and saw Matt staring at me intently. He just knows all the ins and outs to getting a girl to like him. “Give someone a heart attack, why dontcha?”

    Taking the earplugs from my ears, I slung them around my neck. He shrugged as he mustered a yawn.

    “That’d make me a murderer. This face wouldn’t do good in jail.” He outlined his jaw, and grinned.

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