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dan //

"let go of me! i need to see him!"

"sir, please! lay down! you need to rest!"

"i don't care if i need to rest, i need phil!"

and with that,
i had the strength to run,
to go find phil.


i kept calling his name,
hoping he would answer back,
or come around the corner.


and i heard it.


i ran towards his calls,
i was so happy,
because phil was okay,
phil is safe.


i thought too soon.

there was charlie,
holding phil,
with a gun at his head.

"oh, you really thought you'd get a happy little ending? now, now. don't be so stupid daniel. you're mine. not his. but no matter how fucking hard i try, you keep running back to this pathetic piece of shit!"

"no charlie! he's everything in this world you would want! he's sweet, caring, loving, understanding, and would never lay a hand on me like you have! charlie, you're abusive! and im not gonna take it anymore! i want phil, i need phil! not you! now, let him go!"

my words made charlie loosen his grip on phil,
because he was so shocked,
that i,
yelled back.
but anger rose again,
but not quick enough,
for phil was out of his grasp,
kicking him,
punching him,
and soon,
phil was the one with the gun.

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