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phil //

the day of the hospital...

"please.. please wake up.."

i held his hand in mine,
not bearing to lose this boy,
this boy that has been in so much pain,
this beautiful boy,
that is filled with pain,
this boy that is brainwashed.

he needs to be safe,
i don't know if ican save him.


i heard his voice,
his eyes fluttered open.

"dan! oh my god you're awake!"


"please what dan?"

the door slammed open,
and his eyes closed again.

"hello phil, good to see you again."

it's him,
the guy he was with at the coffee shop.

"im sorry.. i will leave."

i got up,
he took my wrist,
and it hurt.

"you will leave my toy alone, understand? he's not going to remember any of this. and you tell him about the fight you two had."

toy? what does he mean by toy?
what fight?
i didn't understand.

"we never had a fight, and how in the hell is this beautiful boy, a toy?"

his face filled with anger,
and his grip got stronger.

"he. is. my. toy. and. only. mine."

he took out a knife,
and held it to my throat.
i felt like i couldn't move.

"you tell anyone about this, call the cops, mention anything to dan, anyone. i swear to god, if you do, dan gets it."

he isn't safe,
if i try anything,
what else could happen?
what more would he do?
kill him?
i can't let that happen.
i have to go.

and so i left,
telling myself that's what needed to be done,
telling myself that it's what dan would've wanted.

my mind tells me to go back,
to somehow save him,
but i try to tell myself he will be safer if i leave.

what does dan need?

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