82. Hyungwonho & markson

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Hoseok_Lee has created a group chat and has added Hyungwonnie , wang.j and Markiewang

Hoseok_Lee - Jist to let you know Jackson it wasn't hyungwon who sent you that message it was jooheon but how fucking dare you say my boyfriend is untalented and is only a face. If I rightly recall he's a good dance and singer and just because you're more famous doesn't mean you can say shit like that to people.it doesn't set a good example for your fans and other idols you understand?

Wang.j - What?

Hyungwonnie - *Screenshot sent*

Hoseok_Lee - You told me you never said anything to make him insecure and you lied right to my face Jackson.

Markiewang - Why am I here.

Hyungwonnie - I ask wonho to add you so I could apologise for what jooheon said to you.

Markiewang - That's okay hyungwon. But I think Jackson should be apologising to you because of what he said. That was uncalled for.

Hoseok_Lee - I agree with mark. Jackson apologise.

Wang.j - For what? I haven't done anything wrong.

Hyungwonnie - forget it guys. He's too arrogant to apologise for hurting someone else's feelings and making them insecure:) it's fine

Hyungwonnie has left the chat

Markiewang - Jackson what the fuck?

Hoseok_Lee - for fûçk sake Jackson you know how insecure hyungwon is and you just made it worse.

Wang.j - He deserves it after everything he's done in the last few days

Markiewang - Do you need my to get you glasses or contacts? Because you clearly can't read. It wasn't him it was jooheon.

Wang.j - Jooheon is too innocent for that.

Hoseok_Lee - That's what you think.

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