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Markiewang- I love purple 💜

@yuggie_ - Aye me too.

@jacksonismine - He's so hot.

@username - What a picture

@DoubleBam - He suits purple.

@Hownottobreathe - He makes me question humanity.

@cocojae - 💜

@abbyjade_ - He suits all colours it's unfair. I sit here and look like a potato and he comes along slaying everything.

@markiewang - Never related to anything as much as that @Abbyjade_

@abbyjade_ - I've been noticed I'm sobbing.

@username2 - he's ugly though??

@jacksonisdaddy - My daddy be here.

@oppaJaebum - Jaebum is better.

@username3 - Hmm this picture made my skin clear.

@jrassicdaddydick - What a snack.

@abbyjade_ - @jrassicdaddydick I'm dying at your name I'm done.

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