Part seven

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Part Seven

Thorin had been moved from the battlefield and laid in a tent in Laketown. The physician Eirbor looked up at Gandalf, his expression confirming what the wizard already knew – the dwarf king was dying. Beneath the blood and mud that coated his skin his colour was grey. Perspiration beaded his brow and pain was etched on his features. The day had been won but at what cost? Many times over the coming years Gandalf would ask himself if it had been was worth it.

Thorin’s eyes fluttered open.

“Gandalf, old friend, I must speak with my cousin Dain.” His words, though clear and steady, were laced with pain. “I must appoint him my heir now that…” He broke off as grief washed over him. Kili and Fili – his nephews – his heir and spare, were dead. They had been too young to die. Honourable as he knew their deaths had been, Thorin took no comfort from the knowledge. They had died defending him. He’d begged them to leave but they would not and he had watched powerless as they were slain.

“He is my nearest relative and as such he must become King Under the Mountain and leader of the house of Durin. Pray, Master Gandalf, bid him to come to my side. Also I wish you to send out a rider to the woods near my halls and bring forth a bouquet of columbine to lie on my grave.”


“Aye, old friend, columbine. I once knew a woman who was named for them.”

“Akelai – Balin told me. I will do as you wish, brave friend.”

Gandalf left and hurried to where Dain had set up camp.

“Gandalf, what news have you of the day? Are we victorious?”

“Yes, the day is won but the price has been high. I need you to come with me, Dain Ironfoot. King Thorin has been mortally wounded and he requests your presence before he goes forward to the halls of your forefathers.”

Dain sank to his knees.

“This is grievous news, Master Gandalf. What of his kin, Fili and Kili?”

“They died trying to protect their uncle. Come, time is of the essence.”

Dain stood and turned to one of men.

“Send word to Akelorin that he is to come with me to King Thorin’s side.”

“I heard you had a son, Dain. I assume this is who you have sent for?”


“There is one other request that Thorin has made. Have one of your men head to the woods near Thorin’s hall and gather a bouquet of columbine.”


“Yes, aquilegia, Akelai – King  Thorin in his youth was in love with a woman of this name.”

Dain stared open mouthed at the wizard.

“What say you wizard?”

“Your cousin was in love with a dwarf woman – Akelai – but she was not of noble birth and Thrain sent her away. Thorin searched for her but he could not find her.”

Dain shook his head in disbelief.

“She is dead, that is why he could not find her.”

It was now Gandalf’s turn to be surprised.

“How do you know this?”

“It is a long story and we have not the time for it. I was with her when she died and I have carried out the promise I made to her.”

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