Arc 6 Prologue

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After Jia Yi woke from his sleep he glanced over to see Car and finally asked about the World that they were going to head into. 

"What are we looking at?"

Car looked over to Jia Yi when he asked his question but began gnawing at her lip as she paced the confines of the System Space.

"You're not going to like this," she mumbled as the three occupants stared back at her. Motoki was still worried about what happened to his mate since they were promised he would follow him into the next life.

"Have I ever liked the transition into new worlds?"

Jia Yi was honestly asking because he hadn't ever felt as though he was excited for a new world, perhaps the thought of seeing his mates but not the transition.

"I've been told that with the next few worlds you're prohibited from knowing the plot of the world. You will merely be given your own body instead of one of the people within. . I guess this is a way to make up for the not knowing part."

Jia Yi stared at Carmen with slightly widened eyes. He hadn't expected being thrust into a world without any knowledge. Giving him his body was actually more of a hamper to the entire thing rather than a boon. If he didn't even have the memories from someone from within that world that meant he wouldn't know anything about the world he was traveling into nor the plot.

Midori seemed the only one who was relaxed since she was still with her mate irregardless of the world they were jumping into. Motoki was still worried about how he was to find his mate within a large world without any help.

"Is there anyway we can find Merial without having to traipse through the entire population?"

Carmen looked over to adress Motoki and said, "I was told that you'd be able to find him easily by the string that connects your two fates."

"The red string," Jia Yi mumbled thoughtfully. Motoki turned to stare at his Mother with a raised eyebrow.

Jia Yi answered his unspoken question. "The red string that connects the both of you. It'll attach here and lead you to your mate."

He tapped Motoki's finger that would be wrapped with a red string and advised his son who hadn't been able to calm much since leaving the last world. Motoki nodded his head in understanding and then Jia Yi looked back to Car.

"I won't be given any type of advice before entering this new world? Is there nothing else to be said then?"

Carmen hugged herself and went into thought as though running through all the information within herself. It was obvious she was worried about this next jump but Jia Yi wasn't certain that it was because of the world they were hopping into or the fact that he would be going in relatively blind.

"Brace," she said sternly before they began blurring and leaving the System Space. Jia Yi didn't have time to ask what she meant when he suddenly felt himself be stuffed inside of a tight 'cage' and shaking fiercely. It felt as though someone had stuffed him inside of a christmas gift and the child was shaking it to 'see' what was inside.

He could hear muffled arguing between two people and the sound of an automatic system warning that they needed to pull up. When he opened his eyes he realized he was inside of an older model of a cryo-locker.

An automatic screen had popped up on the plexiglass giving him accurate information on his vitals at the moment and a warning that the oxygen was leaking out somehow. His chamber would stop functioning within fifteen minutes but it seems that this ship was going to crash before then.

He focused his hearing to what the people in the captain's cabin were saying and couldn't help raising his eyebrow before gritting his teeth. It seems that the lady was trying to dump them because she couldn't get the nose up and they were weighing them down but the man was blocking the airlock.

"You've got seventy seconds to pull us the fuck up, Shia! Make them count!"

It soon seemed to speed up and the ship hit the earth roughly. Jia Yi knocked his head roughly against the plexiglass but was merely dazed. When they stopped moving completely Jia Yi could hear his children already searching for him and he let out a deep sigh.

It looked like this world was one where they crash landed on another planet, as far as he could make out from the other passengers confusion. This wasn't going to be easy.

A/N: Anyone know where I'm going with this plot? ;) The next couple of Worlds I think I'm going to do in reference to books or movies. Let me know what you think about it. 

Anyways, sorry for taking so long with the next chapter. I had to figure out what I was going to do and on top of it I felt as though I was putting so much of my time into all of my books that I had no actual time for myself. Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Sorry it's short, this is just the prologue.

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