Chapter 17- Surprise Alyssa

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Chapter 17- Surprise Alyssa

Alyssa's P.O.V

Jordan's cold rough lips kissed mine. I felt highly disgusted by this action. I quickly pulled away from him and slapped him hard on his right cheek. His head rotated 90° left and I covered my mouth because I just realized what I did.

Fuck, I'm going to get punished really bad now....

"You little-" I closed my eyes and waited for him to finish his sentence, but he never did.

I opened one eye and saw him taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. Well that's new I guess.

"You know what. I tried being nice and-"

"You being nice?Are you fucking serious right now!? Because as I recall, you tried to bite me and you made your dad take me away from my mate!" I covered my mouth quickly when I said the last part. I guess I got carried away and told the truth. That happens a lot and I hate it.

"Jake is your mate? Well this is unexpected" He said looking another way and running his fingers threw his blonde with brown highlights hair.

"No really? What's really unexpected is that you have a brain which I'm positively you don't!"

"Well since Jake is your mate...I'll take you to see him" He offered and I looked at him confused. Is he sick of something because I'm sure he would never take me to see Jake.

"Nice try Jordan, but I know its all a stupid trick of yours and I'm not falling for that" I rolled my eyes.

"Very well. Its your choice babe" I crunched my nose in disgust when he called me babe. Liset shortly came in the room looking worried.

"What did he do?"

"That jerk kissed me so I slapped him" Liset smiled at the last part like it was a good thing and trust me. It is.

"Nice! Let's go to the kitchen. Ms.Green just made her famous cookies"

"but its morning" I giggled at the end.

"There oatmeal raisin cookies"

"Oh okay makes sense. After all, any cookie is fine with me!"

"Good. Now let's go" She pulled me to the kitchen and I saw Mrs.Green with some oatmeal cookie dough on her forehead. This makes me think she worked hard to make them.

"Hello dear. Jordan told me that your stomach felt pain so I gave him a pill with water to give to you" oh so the pill was safe...oops...

"You might want to shower to relax yeah?" Liset asked

"Yep" I said popping the "P"

"The bathroom is on the the left" Mrs.Green tells me and I thank her.

I was already inside the bathroom when I notice I didn't have my clothes.

I got out of the bathroom and searched for something, but for some reason I couldn't find any of my clothes. They just disappeared. The noddle cat happened to my clothes?

I went to the kitchen awkwardly and both Liset and Mrs.Green look at me.

"My clothes disappeared.... I think I forgot them at Jake's house..." I said awkwardly. Oh gosh this is just embarrassing.

"I'll take you to his house to get your clothes. If its okay with you Mrs.Green"Liset offered.

"I don't mind at all! My husband is at work and Jordan is hanging out with friends. I don't think they will know you were gone." I thanked her and Liset walked me to her car. It was beautiful. I'm jealous now because I won't be able to learn how to drive since slaves aren't allowed to drive which sucks.

20 minutes past and we we're In front of the house. My stomach twisted of nervousness. Would Jake be happy to see me? Does Finn and Dylan miss me?

I'm I even welcome now that Ashley is here? ugh! I have to relax and ignore these stupid questions.

"Let us go in the house." Liset said braking my thoughts. She knocked on the door and Dylan answered.

"oh uh...hi Liset" He said scratching his back head being nervous.

"Hi Dylan. Alyssa forgot her clothes so she came to take them" Liset said blushing a little and so did Dylan. What's going on here?

"Oh..hi Alyssa! missed you. Your room is were it has always has been." I laughed a little and headed upstairs to my old room. Stupid Jordan had to take something awesome away from me. That good for nothing cow.

I opened the door and saw Ashley and Jake! Jake was on top of Ashley and I couldn't help, but cry a little. I closed the door gently so they wouldn't notice I was there. Its best to let guys like Jake be what they really are. Stupid jerks who cheat on there soulmates. I should have never trusted him.

I ran downstairs and saw Liset and Dylan flirting. Right now I didn't care. I ran out of the house and got in the car. Liset opened the door from the passenger seat and looked at me confused.

I gave her a 'I don't want to talk about it' look and she quickly got the message and we drove off. I didn't even get the chance to get my clothes. Fuck it. I'll just buy some new ones.


I'm pretty sure my friend is the only one who reads this....

I don't blame society. I'm horrible at writing and I will always be.

Peace! ✌


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