"I Fucked Daniel"

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Alex's POV

I heard a knock at 6 in the morning

"ALEX I HAVE BEEN NOCKING ON THE DOOR FOR 30 minutes we have to switch hotel rooms now" I heard Daniel out side the door

"I'm so sorry Dani let me wake up Zach"

Zach left and Daniel got into bed

"Hey Alex pass me a pillow so I can make a bed on the floor" Daniel said

"Dani you can sleep on the bed it okay? You know" I told him

"No you cant hide from me that nothing happened in this hotel room" Daniel said

"DANIEL we didn't have sex in here" I said

"hey Alex you should not lie to me" I said

"Im not a lier" I said back to him

"Alex i saw your hickeys when you opened the fucking door for me" I froze

"SHIT" I have to cover these u they can't know jonah cants know" I said

"Just say I fucked you" Daniel laughed

"I want to slap you dani" I said mad

We left the hotel at 8:30 so we quickly got on the bus and headed to the venue

"Hey Alex why is there a hickey on your neck" Jonah said grabbing my wrist and pulling me up to him

"Explain to me why you have a hickey on your neck? Alex" he said mad

What I was about to say was so bad but I had to cover things up right now

"Daniel and I fucked" I yelled

"Wait what" Zach said walking towards us with Daniel

"Nothing it was a joke Daniels my best friend babe, but Jonah can I talk to you real quick outside of the bus?" I asked

"Yea we need to talk" Jonah walked out mad I walked behind him

"Ok now talk... you fucked Daniel" he said pissed off

"Yea I did and well I didn't think it would get to that" I said starting to fake cry

"You have to tell Zach Alex that is not okay" Jonah said

"No if he doesn't find out then we are cool" I said

"Alex you cheated on Zach with one of his best friends" he said

"I know and I regret it i was just so mad at you not letting me stay with Zach so I..." I got cut off

"So because you were mad at me you went and fucked Daniel" he said back to me

"Yea pretty much but it didn't mean anything"

"ALEX fine I won't tell him but I see anything between you and Daniel I will you have to stay away from Daniel or I will tell Zach" Jonah was pushing me against the bus

"Ok I promise"

"Ok good"

Jonah walked back on the bus and so did I

"Alex you okay" Daniel came up and hugged me and Jonah pushed him away


"I'll explain later"

After concert~~~~~~~

I couldn't sleep so I was just watching Shane Dawson on my phone until I got a text from Daniel

(Convo Dani♥️🍉 and Alex😇🌈
Dani♥️🍉: Hey why have you been avoiding me all day???

Alex😇🌈:yea I'm so sorry but I told Jonah that we had sex and he told me that if I got close to you then he will tell Zach

Dani♥️🍉: ok then why don't you just tell Zach so he doesn't feel like we are hiding anything from him...

Alex😇🌈:oh yea that is also we can do

Dani♥️🍉 added babe💕 to chat

Babe💕: hey guys

Dani♥️🍉:Hey bro

Alex😇🌈: Hey babe sorry if we woke you

Babe💕:no don't worry I was about to text you anyways

Alex😇🌈: About what???

Babe💕: a out the whole thing with Jonah I heard you and him talk outside of the bus something about you having sex with Daniel???

Alex😇🌈: that Why you are on here because I had to lie to Jonah because I had a hickey on my neck and Jonah spotted it

Dani♥️🍉: Yea and now i cant talk to my best friend😪

Babe💕: don't worry Daniel you can hang with her but if Jonah says anything to me we will have to break it to him got that guys

Dani♥️🍉: ok got it

Alex😇🌈: ok babe

(End of convo)

I fell asleep right after

Short sorry but hope you like😐

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