The Ex (Pt.3)

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Zach's POV

"Zach I'm pregnant" I was in shock what am I going to tell Alex

"Wait what"

"Yea I'm two months pregnant"

"I left two months ago and now is when you want to tell me" I whisper screamed

"I wasn't sure if I was at the time I'm sorry that's why I came, but all you have done is gone and kissed that girl Alex"

"Alex is my girlfriend and..."

"Well not for long You need to think about me and you baby now" she said

"Fine I'll finish with Alex but my love for her will never end"

I walked back to Alex

Alex's POV

Zach grabbed me by the waist and smiled, I tried to kiss him but he turned way from me

"Alex I need to tell you something" Kate said to me as Daniel was a little sad

I nodded and we walked inside the house

"Ok Alex I'm sorry I think you boyfriend should tell you but it's urgent"I looked at them confused

"Alex Zach is breaking up with you" Daniel said

"Wait...what...why" I asked still confused

"Emily is pregnant with his baby and he wants to be in his baby's life" a tear went down my face

"I fucking hate my life" I ran out the door to get Mia, she was sitting next to Jonah and then Zach was next to Jonah

"Mia come on we have to go!!" I said broken

"What why I thought we were staying over" she said

"Well no I'm not staying here"

"Well I am so find a way home" she screamed at me, I broke down even more

"Come on I'll take you home Alex."

He walked me back inside and I could see Zach didn't want to talk to me

Daniel gave me Jonah's jacket and he gave his to Kate
When we got to my house I just ran inside and Kate kissed Dani goodbye and then closed the door

"I want to die Kate I hate my life I thought I could fall in love again"

"Alex don't say that come on let's go upstairs you need to sleep" Kate said

I don't want to live I want to just die

The Boy In the band   (why don't we) (Zach Herron)Where stories live. Discover now