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today was one of my rare days off, and i decided on spending it with ashton, the boy i had met at work a few days ago.

we talked a little, and he dropped into the store the other day to pick up another cd for his mate, who as well had an amazing music taste.

ashton suggested on something simple, so we decided on meeting up at the coffee shop a few buildings down from my work. it was cute, not too crowded and a quiet place to be when you want to relax, or talk.

it was 11:30, and i was running ten minutes late upon my expected arrival; i haven't even left the house.

"shit." i breathed, pulling my phone to text a probably pissed off ashton.

to: ashton

i'll be there, i promise! i'm running so late xx

ashton replied quickly, telling me to take my time and that it was completely okay. i smiled, finishing my make up and running out of the door.

the shop was fairly close, only a five minute walk, and i didn't see a point in wasting my gas. i needed my exercise and it was a beautiful day out.

i made it at 11:45, ashton standing outside with a smile on his face. "hey, you." he pulled me into a hug, and i smiled back at him.

"hi, i'm so sorry, i ended up in the shower longer than expected." we laughed, and i dismissed my apology.

we walked into the shop, a thick smell of hot chocolate wifting through the air. it was mid summer and the thought of hot chocolate made me cringe.

i ordered an ice coffee, and ashton ordered black. we sat down at a spare table off in the far corner, wedged between a display bookshelf and television screen. "so how have you been, babe?" he smiled, and i swirled my coffee with a straw.

"i'm wonderful, thankful i didn't have to wake up at the asscrack of dawn. how have you been?" i asked back, taking a sip of the coffee. the flavor bursted in my mouth, and i closed my eyes in appreciation.

ashton smiled. "i've been good, nothing really going on with me." he said after thinking for a moment.

"ah, i'm sure you've got something going on. how's your band?"

the last time ashton dropped into the shop he was telling me about his band, before my manager cut him off by telling me to stay professional. she was already up my ass about my armful of bracelets, and i was about to backslap the bitch if she made the comment once again. ashton smiled nervously at me when it happened, taking his purchases and letting me ring them up, signing the reciept the same way i was taught.

"we're good, amazing actually. luke scored us a gig tomorrow, i'm excited." ashton piped up, and i raised my eyebrows.

"where?" i asked, and he scratched the side of his face. "franky's, actually!"

franky's was a really big place in the area, a lot of people went usually to hang out and see good live music. a lot of bands have made their debut there, and to score a gig is extremely hard and a huge deal. my mouth widened, and a smile burst on my face. "are you serious? that's amazing!" i exclaimed, and ashton blushed, looking down at his half full coffee cup.

"yeah, you should come..." he trailed. "you know, if you want to."

"of course! i'd love to see your band, especially if the rest of the members are as cute as the drummer." i joked, and wiggled my eyebrows.

ashton smiled geekily, his face burning an even brighter shade of red. "i can't wait, then. i hope the crowd is as cute as you."


ok i lied i'm only updating this and i updated instagram, i'll updated screwed and insomnia probably tomorrow while driving to philly lmao turn up

ily guys check out my one direction wattpad // @zaayn_ // and my swiggity swaggity twitter // @legacyhoran // if you like

IF EVERYONE WHO READS VOTED ID PROBABLY CRY AND then get your twitter names and dm u to luke idk im feeling thirsty and also kind / bc luke hemmings man /

also check out my other 5sos stories!!


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