hate sex

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Keith pov-

"End training." The robot froze in place. I turned on my heel and walked off for the door to leave the training deck before I saw the castle take it back to god knows where to get cleaned. The sword in my hand turned back into the small dagger that connects me to my mother. I am on a mission with the other paladons even though I'm a part of the Blades.

I wipe my brow of sweat and regain my breath as I walk to the shower in my room. I put my blade into its sheath and as I round the corner, I hear Lance's annoying voice. I turn on my heel as quick as I can but before I can hurry off in the other direction, I hear Pidge practically yell, "Speak of the devil!" She snickers to herself as she takes her leave. "I'll be going. Later guys."

"Wait! Pidge!" Lance glares after her as she rounds a corner as if she didn't hear him. Lance mumbles something under his breath then turns to face me. "You're short." He looks almost bored.

"Tsk. Piss off Lance." I try to push past him to get to my room but he grabs my arm causing me to stop. I glare up at his face. "What?"

"Pidge was gonna help me train."

I jerk my arm from his grip, still glaring, and open my mouth to make a snarky remark but he beat me to it.

"I don't want to ask you of all people but I need to train. Shiro and Hunk are on a mission and Coran took Allura to find something for the wormholer. Pidge left because she wanted to fix up some machine she found so that leaves you." With that bored look still plastered upon his face, he had his head tilted down to me.

"I already trained today." I mimicked his bored expression then continued. "Plus, why would I help you train?"

His features altered to form his signature smirk. "Oh no no no Mullet. This isn't you helping me. This is me wanting to punch you."

I scoff and cross my arms "You think you're gonna land a hit? You get more stupid with every day, don't you?" He glares down at me.

"Shut your quiznak Mullet."

"Your still not using that word correctly sharp shooter." Sarcasm oozed from those two words as I leaned into his personal space. Lance growled and connected his nose to mine. Words seemed to fail him for a moment then he smirked.

Pushing his nose into mine harder he growled out, "Prove it. Prove that you're so much better than me Mullet." His smirk still played over his lips. Disconectong our noses, I stood strait and walked off to the training room again. I knew that he had won but it didn't matter. I'm gonna beat that smirk off his lips.

Lance pov-

I won. I'm gonna be able to punch that smug little glare into his skull. I fallow him to the training room. No way am I gonna let him win the fight like he always does.

His mullet swayed as he stomped. That stupid thing needs to be cut off. I'll take care of that for him. I'm gonna get that sword from him and cut it off.

Keith pov-

I feel Lance staring at the back of my head. I turn on my heel and face him.

"Could ya not?" It was a vague question but he knew what I ment. 'Could ya not stare at my mullet and think of ways to get rid of it?' He does this so much and I'm sick of it.

"What am I doing?" he glares at me. I push my finger onto his chest.

"You and I both know damn well what you're doing." Adrenaline is costing through my veins. I wanna hit him so much. Right in that perfect jaw of his. He glares back down at me, anger obvious in his piercing blue eyes. They cut through my anger but not my adrenaline. I notice how close I am to him and, without thinking, push onto the tips of my toes and slam my lips into his. I furrow my brows and close my eyes.

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