chapter 3

504 33 5

London P.O.V.

The look on mama's face showed me how she felt , but honestly I didn't care I wasn't going to prostitute myself anymore. I deserve better than this, and if she doesn't like my decision I will leave.

"I'll deal with you when we get back bitch we going to be late and  I aint got tim-"

"I ain't going no where" I said  cutting her off.

I knew this wasn't the right thing to say to a woman that don't listen to nobody but herself , at least I was being honest I wasn't going to sneak around the truth like my sisters.

"London what the fuck you said to me ?" she screamed. "no is that what I heard? I didn't say no when you wanted that $300.00 weave you got in that head of yours. I didn't say no when the doctor told me I was having a bitch ass daughter. I didnt say no to-"

"ma im sick and tired of this shit " I cut her off . "all you do is tell me what to do im 17 I cant have a normal teenage life I lost the most precious thing close to me to a man I knew for only a minute" I explained.

" so the fuck what London most bitches would love to do what you do get money like you.rock the most expensive brands you a ungrateful little bitch" mama yelled.

I cant believe this shit all I want to do is live my own life for me not for no one else in this world. I been doing this shit for 7 years I may be beautiful to the eyes around me but I'm ugly and hurting on the inside.

" well im bout to go ma im done with you and this." I ran up stairs to go get my bag when I felt a a sharp pain in my back.

" You just going to leave me everything I do is for you " ma screamed holding a hammer in her hand. " bitch I dare you to leave im going to go to work with this hammer like bob the builder " she spat.

My mother hasn't hit me like that since the time I made a slip up at work. how am I going to leave? I have no place to go no one I really want to mention this too because I have yet to be judged. this may just have to slide but one day I will be THE RUNAWAY CHILD and I will get my respect and revenge.

"get the fuck up .go change, and lets go" she said still holding the hammer over my head.

  I looked in the mirror at myself realizing this is my life im a prostitute. I'm stuck, and the only person I have is my self and mama, maybe I should just be heartless to everyone . nobody knows what im going through , and I can't say it's their fault for not knowing but maybe it is...

" girl come the fuck on shit"  my mom hollered from downstairs.

I had on  my  pink pencil skirt and my nude red bottoms. not a regular prostitute outfit but my mind has changed maybe I should be grateful  that I get shit others don't and be that bitch instead of a sad bitch.

" look at you maybe that hammer knocked some damn sense into you" mama snickered. " I love you but you gotta listen sometimes this is easy money  you don't even have to work" mama explained.

I smiled she sound like a ignorant dumb bitch and I have yet to get my revenge on ignorant hoes like her im just sticking to the script, but soon karma going to come like a bat out of hell and I just hope that everyone that crossed me and disrespected  me know I was coming for that ass..... including holand oh bitch ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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