Trust me

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It doesn't get any easier, you have to stay close to the people you trust. So they can put you back together again.

"Where on earth could she be!" Lucas said as he paced around Topanga's cafe

"Lucas you need to calm down we will find her" farkle said

I think too much. That's what I like about you. You don't think about anything.

"It's been a month farkle! We still haven't found her. What if... what if something really bad has happened to her?"

"Lucas you do remember who we are talking about right? Maya can fend for herself."

Did you know that when you listen to someone, they'll tell you stuff?


"I can not believe they think that I became Maya. It's just not possible" Riley said as she stormed around her house.

"I totally get it. I mean she couldn't even get Lucas if she tried she's nothing like you, she will never be you" Riley's new friend Missy said

You know what the easiest thing about having friends is? Sometimes all you have to do is trust them.

"I know! But Lucas is like in love with her or whatever he's not going to date me if she's still in the picture" Riley

"Well then we just need remove her from the picture and get Lucas's attention on you" Missy said

"How do we do that?" Riley asked

"Simple." Missy said with a Smirk.

"We tell Lucas that Maya hates him" Missy said.

I could never do anything near this. These people have all got something to say.

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