I care about all of us.

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"I care about all of us"

"she's gone" Farkle mumbled

"I just have the actual sky"

"How do you know that?" Lucas said.

"you think I'm a failure"

"I know Maya. maybe.... maybe Maya never became Riley" Farkle said

"you hope for things, you get disappointed"

"what do you mean?" Zay asked calmly

"what if riley became Maya..." farkle asked

"how would that be possible?" Lucas asked as he sat down on a seat outside of Topanga's

"the same way riley thinks Maya became her." Farkle confessed.

"actually that's a smart way of thinking about it. Riley has always wanted to become Maya, but maybe she actually did" Zay said.

"Maybe that's why riley likes Lucas" Smackle said as she walked down the stairs leading to Topanga's

"yeah, but since riley is riley she kept telling Lucas" Farkle said

"that would also explain why me and riley wouldn't work. then suddenly riley believed we did work" Lucas said as he looked down.

"Because Maya has hope that you two would work..." Farkle said

"and when Riley said Maya turned into Riley it upset Maya" Zay said

"because Maya already knew Riley had become her." Smackle said.

"but then there's the whole Maya is a badass and Riley isn't" Lucas said

"oh no I've got that one covered" Zay said with a grin

"and what is your conclusion?" Farkle asked.

"Maya changed. just like Farkle changed. he changed his clothing style and became more himself. Maya did the exact same thing. she changed herself so she could see who she wanted to be. riley saw this and decided Maya was becoming Riley." Zay said

"but why would riley ever come to the conclusion that Maya is Riley and not think the opposite.?" Smackle asked

"because when riley thinks something nothing is ever the same. nothing can be different. riley wont listen to the other side in the fear that she is wrong" Farkle said.

"We need to tell Mr Matthews" Lucas said as he stood up.

"Yes, but first we need you to tell us who you chose." Zay said.

"What does that have to do with Maya going Missing?" Lucas asked.

Zay looked at farkle and Smackle.

"it has everything to do with Maya" Farkle said

"okay but how? why?" Lucas asked as he sat back down.

"the way you're reacting. you are getting so worried about Maya going missing you haven't spoken to Riley" Smackle said

"what?" Lucas asked

"what she means is that you've decided. and with Maya gone you're worried Riley is going to get you to tell her who you chose and without Maya there, you see no point in telling Riley" Farkle said

"Because you chose Maya." Zay said.

"Maya what's going on with you?"

"I don't know. do you know? because... help me."

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