Chapter 2

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The rest of the week went by pretty boringly-I kept away from Martha and Robbie because, to be honest, I was extremely embarrassed. There was another reason though, ever since the encounter with... I think his name began with M? Anyway, since then, I had had a killer headache and being around people seemed stupid to me.

Anyway, it was Saturday and... MATT... His name was Matt. I remembered. Okay, anyway so it was Saturday. My parent's were both out, and considering I woke up so late, I missed them leaving. I didn't have a clue where they were. Anyway, I woke up that morning with a continuation of my killer headache. Meaning I stumbled downstairs and took some aspirin straight away. When that didn't work, I tried Ibuprofen. Again, didn't work.

After having breakfast (at midday), I decided that going for a walk may be beneficial and that the fresh air could clear my headache. I was wearing simple jeans and a baggy knitted jumper. Yes it was summer and yes it was a sunny day but this jumper was thin and didn't overheat me whatsoever.

I plugged my headphones in to my iPhone and blasted Sam Smith. I started walking but I wasn't going anywhere in particular.

I headed down a narrow dirt track and noticed on my right was a field with a few horses in it. One of which was close to the wooden barred fence just gazing into the distance. It was pure white and beautiful. It's hair was groomed well and shining in the sun and it stood with such pride. You would have thought it was a show horse.

After contemplating it for a few seconds, I waddled over to it. I then began stroking it's head but I must have done something wrong because it galloped away almost immediately.

In my attempt to get it to return I made a tutting sound, but it was no use. It was then, before I had even turned to leave, that my music stopped playing. Fantastic. I looked down and realised my phone had died.

I knew walking without music would be unbelievably dull so I turned to head home. Before I took my second step, I stopped in my tracks. There was a faint glow coming from the nearby woods. It was intriguing so I headed over to it. Peering through the amount of trees and bushes I managed to make out a man, hovering in the air, with wings, glowing. Below him was another man, older but looked very weak.

At this sight I let out a small gasp and after realising what I'd done I immediately prayed that they hadn't heard. Shit. The floating guy swiftly spun around and saw me. That was when I realised it was.. Um... M...M... MATT?! It was Matt, yes that's his name.

Before I could overthink the situation my legs were carrying my body as fast as they could in the direction of my house.

Upon arriving at my house, still shaking, I searched every pocket I had for my key. It was then that realisation kicked in that I never actually took my key with me.

My breathing became heavier and the silence of my street filled the air. That was until I heard steady footprints of the person I feared most of all at that precise moment. Matt.

No hesitation in forgetting his name there. None at all.

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