Chapter 3-In Reality

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In peripheral vision, I saw Damian stirring. I had covered his gruesome wounds with all sorts of different things-from medicinal plants to makeshift casts. I tried to hide a smile as his feet shuffled behind me-after all, Damian wasn't the stealthiest of assassins. The firelight flickered, highlighting the shadow of the blade on the cobbled ground.

"You know that I can see you, right?" I asked, smirking to myself " And I bet even the dead could hear you."

"What, like Darrel?"he replied coldly.

I risked a glance behind me. I was relieved to see that Damian had lowered the dagger. "I already told you-I DID NOT kill him." My voice was barely below a shout.


I had won.

"What really happened then?" I almost swore at the sarcasm in his tone.

Clearly not.

"Ok. I'll tell you,"

"It'll all be lies, but I'll listen" Damian smugly announced.

"On that night, I had gone to get some nightshade. I switched form so that I could smell the nightshade better. Instead there was another scent, one of blood and fire. I ran toward it-I thought that we had been ambushed. And when I reached the clearing, there in... In the snow was Darrel. S-"

"Lies!!!"screamed Damian "All lies! You murdered my brother! Aye, you did it in cold blood! To much of a coward to admit it!"

"Will you let me finish?!" I hissed "I'm looking for the people-or creatures-that killed your brother, do you want to avenge him or not! So, I saw Darrel in the clearing. His the throat had been torn out," I shivered as Damian winced "there was this man in a huge brown hood. He... was holding a knife and was stained with Darrel's blood." I whispered, trying not to sob.

*****sorry about the short chapter, I was having some problems on my phone. I am also halfway through doing a drawing and have decided that it would make a good book cover >:D please give me your opinions about this, i.e whether I should keep this cover or change it for the drawing. Also, if you have time, check out my friend's story 'I am', it is about. A girl who suffers from bullying and her life. My friend (katieboo2) is improvising so I'm not really sure about every thing that happens :P*****

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