Chapter 5

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(Dean Ambrose)

I went out slowly so she don't see me.She was sitting on the grass.I was behind her cause there was a tree and I stayed there with my hands crossed

I was behind her cause there was a tree and I stayed there with my hands crossed

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J-Hello Kitten.

That's my nickname for her

D-What do you want.Colby send you didn't he.

And I nodded. She got up and went on the swing. There was two swings so I set on the other on.

 There was two swings so I set on the other on

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J-Well he told me to come talk to you.Although you never listen to  me  I don't  know how you are going to listen to me now.

She smiled

J-At Least I made you smile.I missed that beautiful smile of yours

D-Thank you Jon

I can see that she was blushing.

D-What do you want to tell me.

She said softly while swinging slowly

J-How are you feeling.

D-Honestly I don't really know angry,sad and happy at the same time.

J-Why are you feeling  this way

D-Sad because I had lost my   mum and auntie,anger and happiness because...

J-Because you saw had Colby right.

And she nodded.

J-By the way congratulation  on your win today against Ashley you were awesome and you are the second youngest region that held the title for so long.I am so proud of you.I also saw what have you said when you won the title.

D-You did?

J-Yes I did.We all did.

D-How is....

J-Colby.He is good but he  really misses you Di.Don't think it's time to forgive him. It's OK if you don't forgive  me and Joe but forgive him please.

D-I need time to think about it.I understand that you 3 had to continue with your  carrier,but the most thing that hurt me is that you all had left me.I didn't know what to do.I was destroyed and lost.You haven't called, texted or something to see how I am.

And she starts crying.I hugged her and she didn't push me away.

J-I am sorry kitten.I really am but we have a very buys schedule.I don't know how to handle everything truly. Listen we almost have to go today we are leaving to the next place.Can I ask you a  favour please

D-What is that?

J-Can you at least talk to him before we leave that's all I am asking.Can you do it  for your mum.She would want you to talk to him for sure

D-I will see.But Jon can you leave me a bit alone please.I need to stay a bit alone

J-OK as you want but please remember we are almost going.

And she nodded.Before I left I hugged her again and kissed her forehead.

Back inside

"What took you so long man."Colby said

"I was talking to her as you said."I said

"And."Pamela,Ashely,Joe and Colby said

"I think I had convinced her to talk to you before we leave."I said and he came and gave me a bro hug

"OK calm down."I said

We saw Diandra coming in. She stopped near the door looking at Colby.Then she started walking towards Colby and then she hugged him,He hugged her too.

The girls hugged each other while me and Joe high fived each other.Then she looked at him.

"Have a safe trip and be careful."She said and Colby nodded then kissed her forehead before we left.

While we were on our way to the hotel Colby wouldn't stop smiling and as we arrive and started to walk in Joe started to talk

"What did you tell her dude."Joe said

"Notting special.I told her how how much Colby love her and that he never forget about her.I told her that it's OK if she don't talk to me and you but to your brother you should."I told him and he was like oooooo

"Nice words."Joe told me

Then as we went near our room everybody came to see how is Diandra

"Colby how is she?"Nikki said

"What happen to her?"Brie said

"Is she OK?"AJ said

And many questions like that.

"OK OK calm down."Joe said

"Yes she is fine now."Colby said

"What has happen to her exactly?"Natalya said

"Well she had a very hard Panic Attack."Colby said

"What cause her the panic attack."Punk said

"Well I have a bad news.My mum and auntie May are death."He said

"What!!."Everyone said

"It was dad who killed them and I found out that he hurt Diandra too."He told them

"Oh my god she never told us anything.When we used to Skype with her we use to see her with bruises but she always tell us that she did them during her match."AJ said

"Now you three better pack everything because we have to be at the airport in 2 hours."Cena said

"I already packed."I said

"Me too."Colby and Joe said

And after everyone was ready we went to the airport and traveled to the next place.I hope that Diandra will be OK will text her when I can.

Seth Rollins baby sister(Dean Ambrose story)*Completed*Where stories live. Discover now