Secret Lovers

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"Lana please, just let me ex-"
"No! I'm tired of hiding our relationship from the world, I can't do this anymore" the brunette replied.

"Just give me a little more time and we can tell any and everyone you want." The blonde tried as she stepped closer to her partner.

"No Jen, do you remember what happen earlier on the panel." "You made our relationship seem nonexistent and meaningless" Jen didn't know how to reply to that so she was stuck in her stance.


Host: "this question is for Jennifer and Lana, describe swan queen using three words"
The crowd roars with screams and applause.

Lana: "The fan base for these two knowing that they aren't even a couple, it's amazing. I appreciate the love that we receive, I would probably have to say that they are; Hot, Badass, and Strong."

Lana winked as she grinned at the audience.
"I'm just saying"  Lana said as the crowd recovered from her answer.

Bex: "Jen, your turn. Don't put yourself in the dog house."
A lot of  "ooo's and ah's" coming from the audience after Bex's remark. Jen had a twinge of a smile.

Jen: "umm..... I- I don't even really know. There's a lot that can be said about those two. They have a complex and complicated friendship/relationship going on. They're friends but then they're best friends that also co-parent a little boy. So I would probably say, uhh, understanding, outspoken, and best friends."

The people in the audience thought that her answer was cute and adorable but what they failed to notice was the heartbroken brunette sitting in between Bex and Bobby.

Host: "okay Jennifer? This one is for you."
Jen: "okay"
Host: "if you had to pick a character from the show that you would want Emma to end up with, dead or alive, previous love interests or not, who would it be and why?"
Jen: "that's hard, Emma has amazing chemistry with everyone but I think I would have to say Neal. He's Henry's father and he was Emma's first love, it's hard to get over your first love."

Host: last question before we bring today's event to a close. Let's go down the line with this one. Who's your favorite couple on the show?

Gin: "I would have to say Swan Queen." Gin said with a smirk.

Josh: "I pick.... rumbelle. They're adorable" he replied as the audience giggled over the adorable part.

Meghan: "Swan Queen all day every day."

Jen: "is everyone picking Swan Queen, I think I would have to choose Neal for Emma, they just have this love that will never go away"

Jared: "so I'm gonna hop on the boat with everyone else and say Swan-Mills, they're my parents so, yup I want them together"

Bex: "For my Evil Queen of a sister I'd give her to Emma Swan, they yearn for each other."

The crowd is engrossed with the fact that everyone is saying Swan Queen that they didn't even notice the look on Lana's face when Jen picked Emma and Neal.
Or the look Jen had when everyone picked them.

Bex: "your turn sis!"
Lana was hurt and a bit pissed off at the fact that everyone was picking them and her own girlfriend chose someone else.

Lana: "maybe OutlawQueen............. Regina has a new chance at love with Robin hood and I think she's gonna go for it. Plus kissing Sean isn't so bad either."
Lana was smirking because she knew that the last of her confession sparked Jens interest. Plus it got some of the OutlawQueen fans excited

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