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They've been standing there for the better part of twenty minutes and usually Regina would object to standing in the woods while it's raining, asking, no, begging for Emma to listen to her.

She felt the sadness, the anger, the hatred, the hurt, and the betrayal radiating off of Emma.
She knew that in that moment Emma Swan may not be able to trust her again.

She knew what Emma was feeling because she felt that every single time she would see Emma and hook together. It felt like someone giving her something to hold onto, to love and take care of, to protect.
And when she did they would take it from her not giving it a second thought and break it into a million pieces while making her watch.

She knows how it feels to have your heart ripped from your body by the person you gave the key to. Ripped from the person you thought you could trust that key with. Therefore understanding how it felt she let Emma have that moment before she said something

"Em-ma" It was said so soft that she wouldn't have heard it if she wasn't standing so close to her. Finding the courage to speak louder Regina tried again. "Emma...please, please look at me."

If she were guessing it took about three minutes for Emma to turn around and face her but if she were actually counting she would say it was two minutes and thirty five seconds.
"I'm not really sure how much you saw but when I tell you it is not what it looked like, I can promise you it really wasn't. And I know that gets said a lot but I would not lie to you"

Regina wanted so bad to embrace Emma, she knew that the expression of nothingness on Emma's face was telling her she didn't have a fight left in her to continue which made tears fall gracefully from Regina's eyes. She tried to step forward causing a step back from Emma "please all I want is to explain"
"You have five minutes." Finally Regina thought.

That morning

"I know we've had our ups and downs, our heavens and hells. And I'm so glad that we are past the wanting to kill each phase because there's something I really want to tell you."
Emma wasn't nervous of telling Regina she was scared of the outcome. It's better to have Regina in her life as a friend than nothing at all.

Regina was out of it the whole day so she wasn't trying to figure this out at the moment. "Swan, I never really wanted to kill you. Whatever you have to say you can tell me."
Of course Regina never would have thought she would here those words come out of Emma's mouth.
"I'm so in love with you Gina" The nickname hit her hard.

She was about to reply when there was a knock at the door. Emma nodded saying it was okay for the intrusion. "Come in" Regina called out. In walked her secretary "I got a call saying there was a problem at granny's and you both are needed" Regina's eyes went wide knowing Henry was there. She flicked her wrist killing time.

As Emma was running out of the mayors office she realized she had magic as well. As soon as she snapped her fingers she was just in time to hear the question. "Regina will you marry me?"
There was a gasp at the entry way, although no one payed attention to it but Regina did and she looked up into eyes she knew she caused pain in. Emma's body was burning from the fire that wasn't there, and melting from the ice that she knew was nonexistent.
Her eyes glassy green, her body holding in a breath that was screaming to come out.
Regina had to force herself to look back at Robin. "I..., this is... I don't even know what to say right now." She knew what she wanted and she was trying to say it right then and right there. "How about yes darling." Robin seemed to have every nerve locked away and replaced with confidence. Regina smiled.

There was the sound of the bell at the top of the door going off causing Regina to look up into a empty space. The diner full of people was quietly waiting for a response. She bended down kissing him for a second and whispering in his ear.

~Present time~

"I took off running to find you after." Regina absolutely loved her peace and quiet but this she did not like. "You want me to forgive you right? So what did you say?" Emma finally spoke, noticing the slight hesitation. "Did you take the ring or not" Emma didn't really want to know. Regina still didn't answer, she was studying the woman in front of her. So instead of the answer Emma didn't really want she said something else. "Why did you run away."

It took them both off guard but knowing it that it's a valuable question. "I didn't work up the nerve to walk into your office. To risk my friendship with you. To risk our friendship. To lose my best friend, to tell you that I was in love with you for you to go and get proposed to while I had to stand and watch and see something that I know would break my heart. So I ran" Emma wasn't afraid anymore to speak the reasons of her running away.

"Well... you missed the part were I had to tell robin that I wasn't the person for him because he wasn't the person for me considering the person for me is standing right here. You missed the part where I told him the reason for that is because I am madly in love with Emma Swan." At this point they were mere inches apart feeling each others breath.

"You love me?"
"More than you ever could imagine."
Emma placed both hands on either side of Regina's face kissing her with so much emotion trying to put it all in one kiss.
"Am I forgiven Swan ?"
"Forgiven indeed Mills"

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