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Natasha leaned against the metal sign as she waited for the silver car to park in front of her. She had a small smirk on her lips as she watched the doors open, noticing that the billionaire was still sporting his arc reactor power supply even if he had semi retired from this life. His hair was in its trademark quiff as he threw the keys at one of the recruits that was walking by, winking at him before he fell into step with the Russian red head.

"How is she doing?" He asked, the short playful atmosphere instantly crashing into the ground. Natasha shrugged weakly, knowing that if there was anyone in the world who cared about Scottie Casey as much as she did it was Tony - if not more.

Scottie was like the daughter that Natasha had always dreamed of, but she was also just like a little sister to the woman. When she had first met Scottie, the girl was scared and weak.

"She's been better Tony," Natasha told him, her small smirk falling from her lips as they began to head towards the lounge area. Natasha knew that most of the team usually gathered there, so that meant that if Scottie was going to show her face it would most likely be there. She doubted the girl would though, it had been almost a week since she had last left her room especially after the incident with Sam during training.

The man nodded, rubbing at his scruff around his jawline as he remained silent. He had an idea but he wasn't sure how on board the rest of the team was going to be about it especially when they were so keen on having her become a fully active member of the force again.

"Are we sure being here is the best idea for her?" Tony said, holding the door open for Natasha as they moved into the elevator to head towards the team lounge. She furrowed her eyebrows as she studied the man to see if he was joking or not.

"Tony, she literally told Wanda that she was going to end up killing her or being the reason she dies," Natasha reminded the man, recalling the phone call she had made to the man a few nights prior. "I don't know if it's safe for her to be anywhere else."

Tony shook his head. "There is a place. Besides, she's not worried she'll kill Wanda - she's got survivors guilt. Look, her parents died and she lived. She helped us to create a murder bot and she lived. Loki tried to kill her and she lived, but Coulson died. She's not destructive - she's scared."

"This place?" Natasha sighed, watching as they neared their floor. "You mean the tower, don't you?"

Tony laughed lightly, but there was no humour in his tone. "Not quite."


"Listen kid," Steve said, placing his handle gently on Wanda's shoulder as he manoeuvred around the girl to get to the refrigerator on the other side of the kitchen. "You just need to give her time."

Wanda sighed deeply, rubbing at her eyes where dark bags from restless nights could be seen.

She had been worried sick about Scottie since her outburst at the lake six days prior and while Friday, the AI that Tony had installed throughout the facility for the Avenger's use, had assured her that Scottie had not ran away and was in fact in the building - it didn't do much to cure her concerns.

"How long?" She asked, her voice slightly rougher than usual, a feature that Steve noticed as he passed her a bottle of water from the fridge. Murmuring a thank you as she took the bottle, she watched him sigh softly at her concern. "What if she doesn't need time? You guys gave her almost two years before you had to go find her - how long can she possibly need to realise that she isn't damaged, that she isn't unlovable?"

Steve went to reply, his hand rubbing lightly at the slight stubble that was beginning to form on his chin. He looked up just before he spoke and he suddenly realised that a long conversation was about to be had. Scottie was standing at the edge of the room, a cereal bowl in her hands as she stared slightly open-mouthed after hearing the passion and dedication in Wanda's voice as she ranted about the girl.

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