The Lazarus Experiment

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Violet watched with tired eyes as her father pulled on the hand break of the Tardis. This was the last stop for Martha, all of them had agreed it was time for her to go home, after all she was only promised one, which turned into two then into three trips in time.

''There we go. Perfect landing. Which isn't easy in such a tight spot,'' The Doctor spoke a small smile of triumph evident on his face.

''You should be used to tight spots by now. Where are we?'' Martha asked and Violet couldn't help look away in shame, not one of them had been harsh enough to tell her they were in fact inside her house.

''The end of the line. No place like it,'' The Doctor commented as he let Martha walk away and step outside on her own.

''You not going to say goodbye?'' Jones asked as he realised Violet was still sat curled up on the beige chair staring at the console monitor looking at the interaction happening between the Doctor and Martha.

''I'm not good with goodbyes Jones, you know that with what happened with Rose,'' her voice trailed off as the name left her lips. It had taken longer than it should have, but she was beginning to miss the blonde.

''Martha's not going to a parallel world Vi, she's just going home,'' Jones pointed out moving to sit down next to her, inviting her in for a hug, which she gladly accepted.

''Right, stop hugging lets go, where to any ideas?'' Violet furrowed her eyebrows as her father's sentence was a little muddled as he pressed the button that would make the Tardis move and leave Martha behind.

''Are you ok?'' Jones asked a little confused as the Doctor took a very long pause before then pulling the break back down again.

''Why are we back at Martha's,'' Violet asked noticing the console monitor showed Martha staring back at the Tardis in awe.

''No, I'm sorry. Did he say he was going to change what it means to be human?'' Violet and Jones just glanced at each other, having no idea what he was on about.


Violet sighed as she played with the ring she had placed on her finger, after the Doctor had filled Jones and her in on what was going on. Apparently a rich Doctor wanted to change what it was like to be human, in truth she'd was really paying attention, other things were on her mind.

''Are you ready?'' Violet turned to see Jones had changed into a suit fitted perfectly for the black tie event they had to attend.

''Do you think he'd notice?'' She asked holding up her had to show the wedding band she had placed around her ring finger. I was gold with Galifrain script engraved on it. Joe had managed to get them somewhere, but each time she had asked he didn't answer.

''Unless he purposely spends the whole evening looking at your hands, I highly doubt it,'' Jones remarked offering his arm to her as she approached.

She smiled and allowed him to lead her down the corridor and outside the Tardis where Martha and the Doctor were waiting for them.

''Oh you look amazing,'' Martha complimented engulfing the Time lady in a hug of which she returned.

''Oh, but so do you,'' Violet replied, which caused a smile to come to Martha's lips.

''Oh, black tie. Whenever I wear this, something bad always happens,'' The Doctor remarked as the four made their way down the street towards where the event was being held.

''It's not the outfit, that's just you. Anyway, I think it suits you. In a James Bond kind of way,'' Martha spoke.

''James Bond? Really?'' Violet could help but smirk at her tone of voice, he really was too proud of himself sometimes.


From the moment they entered the ballroom, Violet could shake the feeling that she was being watched, every move she made, every sip of champagne she took, eyes seemed to be on her, but she had no idea where they were coming from.

''Oh, look, they've got nibbles! I love nibbles,'' She shook her head, she was the child and her acted like one more than she ever did.

''Leo in black tie? That I must see. This is, er, the Doctor, Jones and Violet,'' Violet had spaced out and only came back to reality when she felt Jones's hand on her shoulder.

''Hello,'' The Doctor was the first to greet the young women in front of them, who turned out to be Martha's sister.

''Hi,'' Violet and Jones awkwardly said in unison smiling towards Tish.

''Are they with you?'' Tish asked pointing towards Jones and the Doctor, but not Violet.

''Yeah, all three of them are,'' Martha replied emphasising the fact that her sister hadn't mentioned the Time Lady.

''Those two aren't on the list, but there is a Violet,'' Tish replied.

''Perhaps it was a different Violet I came with Martha,'' Violet spoke.

''So you're not Violet Saxon,'' Violet nearly chocked from the champagne she had just sipped.

''No she isn't,'' Jones said his grip tightening on his friends shoulders.

''So, this Lazarus, he's your boss?'' The Doctor jumped in to change the subject before Tish decided to kick them out.

''Professor Lazarus, yes. I'm part of his executive staff,'' Tish replied the smile never leaving her face.

''She's in the PR department,'' Martha spoke simply making her sister's smile falter.

''I'm head of the PR department, actually,'' Tish snapped back.

''You're joking,'' Martha said seeming very surprised.

''I put this whole thing together,'' Tish replied proudly, gesturing around her.

''So do you know what the professor's going to be doing tonight? That looks like it might be a sonic microfield manipulator,'' The Doctor commented.

''He's a science geek. I should have known. Got to get back to work now. I'll catch up with you later,'' Tish spoke excusing herself from them, Violet guessed so she didn't have to listen to the Doctor continue to talk science.

''Science geek? What does that mean?'' The Doctor asked turning to face Martha.

''That your obsessively enthusiastic about it,'' Martha replied.

''Oh, nice,'' The Doctor nodded with a smile as Violet just rolled her eyes.

''Martha,'' The shout caused every single one of them to turn around to figure out the source.

''Mum,'' Martha exclaimed moving to hug the woman that had approached the group.

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