Last of The Time Lords

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One year later

Jones had never a fan of the sea. The water sloshed around the small rowing boat as he sat squished at the end with Martha sat in front. He'd lost count how many countries they been to, now however he was aware they were back in England. The beach came into view soon enough; a figure stood along the shoreline an old oil lamp lighting them up against the night sky. The boat stopped just shy of the shoreline, he and Martha climbed over, thanking the two men who had navigated them, and slipped into the sea wadding through the current to finally make it a shore.

"Finally dry land," Jones breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the pebbled beach beneath his combat boots. The wind whipped around them as he and Martha approached the oil lamp bearing figure, who'd been waiting for them.

"What's your name, then?" Martha asked, hugging her arms across her chest, the wind was bitterly cold.

"Tom Milligan. No need to ask who you are. The famous Martha and Michael Jones. How long since you were last in Britain?" Tom smiled, nodding at the pair of them in greeting.

"Three hundred and sixty-five days," Martha responded with a sigh, "It's been a long year."

"You can say that again," Jones added nudging her shoulder, "whole year with little old me."

"Wasn't so bad now," she laughed.

"So what's the plan?" Tom asked as the group made their way along the beach. Jones making sure to keep a look out for any unwanted watchers.

"This Professor Docherty. We need to see her. Can you get us there?" Martha asked.

"She works in a repair shed, Nuclear Plant Seven. I can get you inside. What's all this for? What's so important about her?" Tom replied. Jones shook his head at the man.

"Sorry, the more you know, the more you're at risk," Martha explained, Tom nodded, looking down in defeat. They were not what he had been expecting, he'd heard stories about them 'The Jones's,' the mysterious couple travelling across continents in search of a way to save them all.

"There's a lot of people depending on you. You're a bit of a legend," Tom spoke raising his thoughts with them, maybe he could learn what they were doing that way.

"What does the legend say?" Martha asked intrigued. Tom had also peeked Jones' interest too, leaning forward in his walk to hear the man better.

"That you sailed the Atlantic, walked across America. That you were the only people to get out of Japan alive. The Jones's, they say, they're going to save the world. Bit late for that," he added looking away from them a staring off into the distance.

"The Jones's makes it sound like we're married," Martha laughed, Jones joined beside her. However, Tom looked at them a confused look falling across his face.

"You're not?" He questioned.

"Good god," Jones sputtered out, "does the whole world think we're a couple?" Tom didn't even need to respond, because the look on his face said it all. Yes, the world did indeed belief that Martha and Michael Jones were a married couple.

They fell into silence after that, the travellers in disbelief. Neither had really thought about how people would perceive their relationship, but perhaps the same last name had given people the wrong idea. Tom had said people were saying that they were going to save the world. Maybe Jones could let the confusion slide just this once, if it gives people hope then it gives them something to live for, a reason not to give up. They approached a flatbed truck parked just atop the hill, Tom set his lamp down in the back, before helping Martha in. Jones seated himself next to her, while Tom took the wheel.

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