[4] cafe

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it's not hinata's fault for ignoring kageyama after the two got home from visiting their families. it's not his fault that he made up an excuse for not hanging out with kageyama, there just wasn't a precedent for what to do after sleeping with your best friend.

it was awkward when the younger would go around and act (not really act in kageyama's case as he didn't remember anything) as if nothing had happened. especially since hinata can still remember the feeling of kageyama's hands roaming his body and his lips on hinata's.

so currently hinata was on his way to a cafe after texting suga to come and meet him there asap. after a little bit of deciding and mentally slapping himself, hinata swallowed whatever dignity he had left and called the older. he needed all the help he could get.

when he got to the cafe he ordered a hot chocolate and then sat down at a booth. suga entered the cafe with daichi trailing behind them, both flushed from the cold as it was currently january.

"this better be an emergency like you said," suga said glaring slightly without a greeting. daichi at least waved.

"because you dragged me away from a very nice blowjob you cockblocker."

daichi sighed putting his head in his hands, his cheeks turning pink. hinata didn't know how daichi dealt with sugawara sometimes.

"it is. and trust me, if it wasn't you who i told first about the situation, you would've killed me."

"the very first person? wait, you haven't even told kageyama?" suga questioned. now he was intrigued.

"well... i guess you could say that," hinata said fiddling with his cup.

"okay go on."

hinata sighed. "imighthavesleptwithmybestfriend," he said quickly in one breathe.

daichi stared at him with wide eyes while suga clapped his hands gleefully. "oh drama. and?"

"and i might like him. like-like him."

"before we go on, you're talking about kageyama right?" suga asked raising an eyebrow.


"fantastic! i knew something was going on between you two!" suga said, eyes glowing.

"but that's the thing. he doesn't remember any of it because he was too drunk. he was just drunk and horny, and i just happened to be there," hinata mumbled.

daichi looked sympathetic, suga didn't.

"what logic is that? no hinata. he has to at least have an interest in you because no one just sleeps with someone who they don't in the slightest bit interest in. drunk or not," suga said.

"yeah but that's a big 'if.' even if he does like me, which is highly doubtful, he doesn't like me in the way that i want him to," hinata said frowning.

"there's different types of likes? i only know the like that's synonymous with daichi."

"babe, you're not really giving him the best advice," daichi intervened.

sugawara pouted but didn't argue. he was a softie when it came to daichi.

"so what are you going to do now?" daichi questioned.

"i don't know. i couldn't talk to him this morning. he wanted to go out together but i was too anxious and declined. and now i'm here."

"you're going to have to tell him hinata. he deserves to know what happened," daichi said after a moment. "tell him and then we'll see how he'll react. we don't know how he will react but at least he'll know."

"i still think hinata and kageyama are a thing," sugawara said still pouting.

"sure baby," daichi said and pressed an affectionate kiss against suga's cheek.

"just tell him about what you guys did and your feelings for him. you never know what could happen."

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