[2] countertops

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it was close to 3am when hinata and kageyama neared their shared apartment off campus. hinata was just grateful that they were currently on christmas break so they didn't have classes tomorrow. both hinata and kageyama were leaving early on the 24th to go and spend out the rest of christmas break with their families.

meanwhile the two walked the three blocks from daichi's and sugawara's apartment. hinata fumbled with the keys causing kageyama to laugh at him. they dumped their stuff onto the kitchen table, which mostly included gifts for kageyama and a bottle of "coming of age wine," as tanaka put it.

"i can't believe you're 20 kageyama," hinata said.

the two were both tired but they couldn't fall asleep. hinata grabbed a bottle of water of out the fridge and took a few sips before kageyama took it from him and took a couple drinks from it as well.

"yeah, i can legally have sex now."

"why does everyone keep bringing that up? isn't it weird to talk about," hinata asked frowning.

"not really," kageyama shrugs, "you're my best friend. who else would i talk to it about?"

"oh...well haven't you done 'it' before?"

kageyama shook his head.

"aw, look at you being a law abiding citizen," hinata teased.

"have you done it before," kageyama questioned.

"nope," hinata said popping the 'p' while hopping onto the countertop surface.

"why not? you're really pretty," kageyama commented.

"p-pretty?" hinata stuttered. his heart sped up again. did kageyama really just call him pretty, or was the alcohol making him delirious?

"mhm. and you're funny and cute..."

was it just hinata's imagination or was kageyama slowly leaning in closer? hinata could feel his back touching the wall of the counter. suddenly, kageyama was looking down at him staring into his eyes.

"kageyama," hinata said his voice cracking slightly. "what are you doing?" the question was rhetorical but he didn't know what else to say.

"hinata, can i have one more birthday gift from you?" kageyama whispered softly, biting his bottom lip.

hinata could feel kageyama's breath fan onto his face. he felt like he could melt right there.

"but it's not your birthday anymore," hinata pointed out.

hinata wanted to stop what he knew was going to happen, but he found that his own gaze was at kageyama's slightly parted lips. they looked even more kisssble up close.
hinata knew that he was drunk enough to have a pounding headache in the morning, but not enough for him to not remember this later.

"can i kiss you?" kageyama asked.

before hinata could stop himself, he nodded.

kageyama's lips were soon on his and everything felt amazing. his hands were on hinata's hips, and his fingers were tangled in kageyama's hair. hinata realized he wanted this more than he wanted to admit.

he could feel himself getting lifted off the counter by kageyama so he wrapped his legs around the others torso, careful not to break the kiss. in the process of making it to kageyama's bedroom, clothes were flung randomly and slight moans were created. kageyama pressed kisses all down his neck and chest. hinata let himself forget that this was his best friend.


uh i can't do smut because i'm a holy child, amen hallelujah. sorry.


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