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I woke up to smell breakfast cooking. Guess Lisa's up. I walk down the hall to the kitchen to see her cooking pancakes and sausage. "Lisa in the kitchen, that's a first." I say laughing. She laughs to. "Well um, this is for me not you." She says. I look confused. "And why exactly don't I get any food?" I say frowning. She turns around and smirks at me. "Because you have a date with Harry Styles." she says. I groan and roll my eyes. "I'm not going." I say. She stops cooking. " Like hell you arent, now go put on the clothes I set out for you in the bathroom."she says. "Please don't make me." I beg her like a child. "Becca put on the fucking clothes, he's coming in like five minutes."she scolds me. I roll my eyes and get up trudging to the bathroom.

I see she set out my favorite sweater and a pair of jeans. I take a shower, put on the.clothes,and put my hair in a messy bun. When I walk out the bathroom I hear a knock on the door to which Lisa answers. "Harry!" She says happily. I roll my eyes. " Uh is Becca ready?" he questions. Before Lisa can answer I push past her. "Let's get this over with." I say rolling my eyes and walking out with Harry following.

He leads me to his car and helps me in. As soon as he gets in I start to speak. "Where are you taking me?" I question him. He smirks and start to drive. " Eager are we." He says still smirking. "Not even a little, I just wanna know so I can get someone to pick me up" I say smartly. He grips the wheel tighter. "I'm not a bad guy, you know." he says through his teeth. I scoff. "Yea right, and forcing someone to go out with you, that's good right?" I ask sarcastically. He just sighs loudly and say nothing.

After about five minutes we pull up to a small cofee shop. "I hate cofee." I say getting out before he could open my door. We walk in the cofee shop. "What do you want?" Harry ask me. I roll my eyes. " I don't want anything." I mumble. He sighs and walk to the register. "Two hot chocolates please." he says.

As soon as he pays and gets the hot chocolates he leads me to a small booth in a coner. When he gave me my hot chocolate I took a sip and it was delicious. "Its good eh?" Harry says to me sipping some of his hot chocolate as well. I just nod. "What's your middle name Becca?"Harry asks me. I look at him weird. "What the hell do you want from me harry?" I sigh. He smirk. "Okay so questions aren't your thing." he says. "Want to know a secret?" he asks me. I nod slightly. "I fucking hate hot chocolate." he says. I look confused. "Then why are you drinking it?" I ask him. He smiles a little. " It's FUCKING delicious." he says. I try and hold back a smile.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom." I tell harry. His eyebrows furrow a little. "Just save yourself the trouble of sneaking out and just walk out the door." he says not looking at me. I roll my eyes. "Mabey after I use the restroom which I really have to do." I say walking out.

After I use the restroom I wash my hands and proceed to walk out. Before I could a girl that looks about my age stops me. She had slightly blue hair and a piercing on her left eyebrow. "I saw you with Harry." She says. "Yea,so." I tell her getting annoyed with him as  topic of conversation. "Well you should stay away from him he's dangerous." she says to me. I look in her eyes and I can tell that she's serious. "Why so? " I ask letting my curiosity get the best of me. "Didn't you hear he killed a guy, he's dangerous and I'm just trying to warn you, you don't wanna get envolved with someone like him." she says walking out.

When I got back to the table I was a little uneasy about what the girl had told me. "Are you okay?" Harry asked me concern feeling his voice. I nodded. "Yea,um I'm fine." I told him. I got up. "I'm just gonna have some fresh air." I told him walking out the door. I went to the back of the building. I started to think. What if that girl was right? It's not like I knew him well he could be dangerous. Should I believe her. "I saw you with Harry. " A boy said cutting me out of my thoughts. He was a little tall with dirty blond hair.

I nodded. "So your his now.?" he asks. I scoff. "I'm not his anything." I say with attitude. The boy smirks evily. "Good because I could treat you so much better than he ever could." he says trying to kiss me. I try to move but he grabs my arm tightly. "Don't be scared, I'm not a killer like Harry." he whispers in my ear. He starts to kiss on my neck. "stop." I tell him. He continues gripping my arm tighter. "Please." I beg.

"What's going on? " I hear the raspy voice that belongs to Harry. Never in my life would I have thought I'd be happy to see him. The boy let's me go. "Oh Harry I was just telling your lady friend how much I'd like to fuck her right here right now." he says cockily. That's all it take to get Harry mad because his fist instantly connects with the boys face. As soon as the boy falls to the ground Harry takes that as the chance to get on top of him and punch him repeatedly. It looked as if he was going to kill the boy.

"Harry stop!" I yell at him. He continues to punch the boy. I walk foward and grabs his arm. "Your going to kill him Harry, STOP!" I yell again. He stops and looks at me. "S ..s..sorry, he just made me so angry." Harry trys to explain to me. "Harry it's okay." I stop him. I look at his hand which have a nasty cut on it and it was bleeding slightly. "Omg Harry we have to get you to a doctor." I tell him. "I'm fine I have some bandages at home." he says. He was so stubborn.

I sighed. "Fine let's got to your house."I say leading him to the passager side of the car. "I can drive. " he says. I roll my eyes. "Get in the frekin car Harry." I tell him sternly. He finally gets in and tell me his address.

When we get to his apartment we get out and Walk up the stairs. He opens the door. When I walk in it was suprisingly clean for a boys apartment I guess. "Were do you keep your bandages?" I ask him. He points to the kitchen. I walk to the kitchen with him following and find the bandages in the first cabinet I look in. He sits on the counter and I wrap the cut in a bandage. "Thanks

" he mumbles. I look into his eyes and notice for the first time that they were a pretty shade of light green. "No thank you." I tell him. His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"For what?" he asks. I caress his cheek. "For protecting me." I say quietly. I was about to move my hand when he grabbed it. "I will always protect you." he says looking into my eyes. And somehow even though I barley knew him, I believed him.

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