Chapter 4

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I could hear their voices from where I stood.


I rested my back against my hylander, careful not to scratch the green paint as I surveyed the house. It was a relatively large with a wrap - around white washed porch. From the rafters windchimes  gleamed in flickering porch lights.  


In spite of myself, I cast a dubious glance at my car, neatly parallel parked against the sidewalk. It would be so easy to slip back in, rev the engine and dissipere. I exhaled, the breath clearly audible and heavy with discontempt. I clicked the lock bottom and heard the answering ‘bleep’ as I strode up the walkway. This should be interesting.


“We were here first, its as simple as that! If we’re such an issue for these guys than they can leave.”


“You say that as if you can reason with these guys. Aren’t you forgetting they almost killed Isaac last night?!”


“Then we don’t talk, we attack alright? Boom, taken care of!”


“Ok, that’s the stupidest thing I think I’ve ever heard you say...”


“Oh rea-”




The deafening orchestra of frustrated clashing voices cut immediately to silence. Gnawing curiosity propelled me to strain my hearing, leaning forward against the front door just a centimeter more just to detect any -


With a bang the door swung open revealing a pair of glowering twins. Instinctively I recoiled, falling back a couple steps.


“Hello?” The taller one instigated, his tone mocking and fringed with aggression. I composed myself hastily to the best of my ability, but before I was able to speak a familiar face shouldered his way into the door frame.


“Lay off, I asked her to come.” Directing his attention to me, Scott managed a weak smile. I noted the bags that shadowed his eyes and the weariness he emitted. “Come on in, join the party.”


My combat boots clicked as I crossed the threshold and allowed myself to be directed into the parlor. I could feel the twins a step behind me, radiating unease and raising goosebumps along my skin.


We turned the corner and I was confronted by an array of diverse creatures. Uncontrollably, my eyes began to flash and flicker - wavering between hues. Many, many werewolves, a Kitsune, and a banshee.


My heartbeat began to ring in my ears as my instincts screamed for me to run. Or fight. Or do anything. Panic quelled all logical thought. I was in danger I had to get out. Energy spark everywhere, surrendering itself to me. All I had to do was excess it.  


“Holy shit, Scott…?” A tall werewolf with sandy hair that fell in ringlets across his scalp rose to his feet as he locked eyes with me. Two others backed against the wall.


I could burn the room,


“What the hell did you bring in here?!”


shatter the foundation and crumble the walls,


A larger werewolf with black hair and a trimmed beard advanced, growling protectively.


strike it with lightning,


“What’s happening to her eyes?”


flood it to the ceiling. I had to escape -


“Breath deep. In through your nose. Hold it for a couple out through your mouth. Okay, do it again. There you go. Now bunch up your shoulders, really, really tight. Yeah, like that. Now relax them - slowly. Okay, perfect. Keep breathing like that. A couple more times. There you go, you’re ok. Everything’s ok.”


A warm hand was sprawled against my back, bracing me as I breathed. With every lungful I became more calm and the energy hissing in the room muted.


When I finally regained control I tilted my head slightly to find the same taller twin from before, hunched over me. He met my gaze with surprisingly warm eyes and offered a soft smile before straightening again.


Scott stood off to one side, his expression one of thinly veiled emotion that posed difficult to identify. “Alex,” He continued as if there had been no interruption, “Is a Bender, and she is to be a part of our pack. Everyone treat her accordingly.”


There was a brief pause where nobody knew where to look. My cheeks flushed hot with embarrassment as I realized how inapproriate that had been. I hadn’t meant to, there were just so many…

I swallowed hard and backed against the wall.


And then the alpha sat down, collapsing into an armchair drawing a breath.

“Alright, now where were we?” 

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