The Same

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Secret Lab
December 31, 2013
3 years after

"Amber, are you okay?" I ask in a whisper, trying not to have any of the guards outside the room notice.

"I'm cold. Your powers are overwhelming, but you need to use that before the moment is gone. Freeze the wall, break us out"

"I can't do that"

"You can. If you can manage not to turn into ice even after all those tests, you can do this one thing"

I sighed and went over to the wall, having one last glance at the door where I knew guards would soon be bursting in. So, I froze the door first then the wall. Eventually it cracked, and the both of us smashed through it before the guards could get to us.

Amber somehow ran beside me, even though she looked like she was getting colder and colder. When we were a safe distance away her legs nearly gave up on her, and I had to half drag her in the direction we were headed.

"Why won't this work?!" The scientist shouted.

"You need to calm down," a feminine voice said. "There's a clear reason why it isn't working. We waited too long to continue, now we're just going to have to wait and see if the process is just slower than it would have been years ago"

"It's too late, for the both of us," I heard Amber say. "The test you had planned was for two young girls, if you hadn't noticed we aren't exactly that young anymore"

"And how old are you?"

"16," Amber said,

The same time I said, "15"

That was a year after we had been kidnapped. We would be constantly told that the heroes were looking for us, but they were only rubbing that fact in our faces because as soon as they said that they'd add how far away they were. How they weren't even close to figuring out the truth of where we were.

"Do you think they'll actually find us?" I ask my sister in our combined bedroom, feeling unusually cold.

Last year was when we had truly given up on waiting for them, but it wasn't until a year later when we decided to do something about it. After a year of torture, of waiting for the heroes to save us, we gave in. We decided that it would be easier, and quicker, if we became our own heroes.

"No. No. We'll have to find them if we have any chance of escaping," she said, fanning her face, because she was feeling unusually hot.

I dragged her towards a zeta tube, praying that we would be admitted when we tried using it. They worked, but what I hadn't planned for happened. There were different people in the cave, each ready to attack.

Mount Justice
December 31

"Who are you? How'd you get in?" A boy that looked like Robin, but clearly wasn't since the outfit he wore was a different version, demanded.

"I thought the computer announces who's arriving?" I say.

"Snow and Amber, but who are you?" A green boy with a monkey's tail asks.

"Were's Robin, or Kid Flash?" I question, readjusting my grip on my sister.

"That's Robin," the green guy says, pointing to the Robin lookalike.

"No it's not. He looks like a younger, taller, more serious version of my Robin"

"Your Robin?" Robin mumbles, then the eyes behind his mask widen. "Impossible"

"Not really. Where are they? Is Megan or Conner here? What about Artemis?"

"Where's Wally?" Amber asks, lifting her head up slightly. She looked confused when she finally opened her eyes. "Robin? You look like you haven't aged a day, but you are taller and wearing the different uniform..."

"Robin?" Someone else asked, rushing into the room.

I saw the familiar face of Megan, a Megan with short hair, flying behind him. The guy that came in had black hair like Robin's and a mask like his, but he wore a black suit with a blue symbol on the chest.


"Who are you? Megan, who is that?" I ask.

"That's Nightwing," she answers.

"Snow, I used to be Robin," Nightwing says.

"Tell me the story later, right now we need to get my sister somewhere warm," I say, Amber starting to slip out of my grasp.

"I'll call Wally," Megan says.

Nightwing came over and helped me bring Amber into one of the spare bedrooms in the cave. We set her down on a bed and I carefully placed the blankets over her, hoping it'd help a little bit with the cold she was feeling.

"Can I talk with you?" Nightwing asks.


He brought me down to a little area of the cave, some holographic statues of past members standing tall. There was one of Amber, and we stood in front of the one that looked like me.

"So, you put up holographic statues of us while we were gone?" I ask.

"We thought you were dead. It was the best way to-"

"I get it. Monuments in our honour. But why us? Why keep them here?"

"You are-were apart of the team, a very important part. Especially to me"

"You say I was, past tense. Do I not mean anything to you now?" I ask, turning to stand face to face with him.

"You've always meant something to me"

"I've been gone for three years," I whisper, feeling some tears starting to drip down my cheeks.

"And I am grateful you returned. You may not believe me, and I never actually said it much, but... Snow, I love you," he said, putting a hand on my cheek but letting the tears continue to fall down my face.

"I love you too"

We both closed the distance between us, hastily connecting our lips. He was more muscular than he used to be, but he was 16, if not just turning 17, so it wasn't very shocking. I had gotten taller, but so had he, and my hair was longer than ever.

But his lips still tasted the same as the day I was taken from him.

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