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Mount Justice
October 16

"Snow, how are you feeling?" Amber asks, putting a hand to my forehead.

I smiled, sitting up. "I should be asking you that. I'm the one that nearly froze you to death"

"But you're the one who nearly turned into ice"

Wally raced into the room, running as fast as he could to the bedside. Amber and I both raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Amber asks.

"Are you that happy to see me all better?" I ask with a smirk.

"The Justice League is dead," he says shakily.

Amber nearly jumped off of the bed, springing up to stare him straight in the eye. I removed the blankets that were covering my legs, shivering at the cold.

"How?" Amber asks.

"Aliens. We're the next line of defence, we're all the world has. We need you two"

"I don't think Snow should be going anywhere"

"Both of you aren't in the proper condition to fight, but we have no choice. We need all the help we can get. We're only sidekicks," Wally says.

"Snow, can you-"

"I can handle myself just fine. I don't feel like ice anymore, well not it the way where I was almost turning into ice," I tell her.

I run out of the room, determination set on my face. While I ran towards the mission room I ended up running into Robin, who was headed the opposite way as me.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

"I was coming to get you and the others. Where are they?"

"Wally is talking with Amber"

"Oh," he looked down then back up at me. "There's something I need to tell you"

"No better time than when we're about to die," I say sarcastically.

"I like you"

I froze, then my mouth formed into a smile. "I like you too"

Robin grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bioship. Wally ran past us with my sister in his arms.

"We're going to Superman's fortress of solitude," Robin tells me as we go on the ship.

We flew towards the icy landscape where the fortress was. There was one alien ship just outside of it. Miss M got rid of the communications, and Artemis sealed off the eye, making it shoot wildly. Aqualad jumped in, with some help from Superboy and Wolf when he was about to be shot.

When Superboy tried to remove the scorpion like gun Wolf jumped in the way, getting shot by some feedback instead of Superboy. Wolf was gone.

"Wolf," Miss M said sadly.

"Can't do anything for him now," Superboy said.

Amber raised an eyebrow, seeing something wrong with that picture. Superboy went back to removing the gun. They brought it over to the bioship where they connected it.

"Does nobody else think this is very unrealistic?" Amber asks.

"No, it's just you," I tell her.

"Rerouting systems to integrate weapon into ship's biomatrix," Miss M told us. "We'll need to decamouflage for a few minutes"

"May not have a few minutes," Robin says.

"Miss Martian, open fire," Aqualad orders.

"Can't, weapon systems are offline to incorporate the new cannon. And that's not fully integrated yet, either," Miss M told him.

"Everyone get into the ship, I got this," Amber tells them.

She makes two fireballs appear in her hands, but they were big. She threw one at each of the ships, making them crash. But one still had an active cannon, attempting to shoot her. She made a shield of fire, blocking the laser for a little bit, until the shield was disintegrated. She got hit, not enough to make her disintegrate, but enough to kill her, before Aqualad took out the ship. Amber fell and Kid Flash raced over to her body.

"Amber!" Miss M screams.

"No, she can't..." I started.

When we got back on the bioship it was quiet, other than Miss M's sobbing as she drove. Artemis had tears in her eyes, sniffling every now and then. Kid Flash was hunched over his controls, hands in fists, glaring. I seemed to be on autopilot, not really there mentally.

"Nah! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!" Kid groaned angrily, hitting his hands on the console in front of him.

"There will be time to mourn later," Aqualad told him. "Now we have a job to do... defend the Earth and ensure Amber's sacrifice was not in vain"

"Back to the cave?" Miss M asks.

"The Hall of Justice. The human race must know that there are still heroes defending them. There is still hope"

We landed after taking out three ships that were attacking some army men with guns and tanks.

"I'm not Superman," Superboy said to them.

"I don't know who you are, son. And right now, I don't care. You wear the "S" and you got the job done," the general said.

"I'm not Superman"

"Tell that to the enemy. General Wade Eiling, U.S Air Force," he said when Aqualad approached him, saluting.

"Aqualad, Justice League. We'll help you salvage as many of the aliens' cannons as possible then we start taking back what is ours"

I could see a little of what Amber was probably thinking, how this world was unrealistic. We were doing everything like it weren't real. It did seem very fake.

The Hall of Justice was a mess. The statues of the members were destroyed, rubble covered the floor.

"They're really gone," Robin said.

Megan went over to the fallen head of her uncle's statue, falling to her knees while sobbing. She jumped up though, using her telekinesis to move it, and underneath the pile of rubble was her uncle.

"Uncle J'onn!"

"M'gann, check his mind," Aqualad told her, stopping her from getting closer to her uncle. "Make sure he's whom he appears to be"

"It's him. He's real, and he's alive"

"But we saw you get disintegrated," Conner said. "You and Superman. And everyone"

"Yes, I remember. But... I cannot remember how I survived. Or how I arrived here"

"Maybe you were density shifting then the beam passed right through you," Megan suggests.

"Scrambling your brains along the way," Robin adds.

More ships flew overhead, attacking the hall. We all went to the zeta tubes, trying to zeta to the cave. I stayed behind, knowing not all of us would be able to make it.

"Snow, come on!" Robin yelled.

"No. I won't make it, I'll destroy as many of these as I can"

"You need to-"

I shoved him into the zeta tube, turning back to where the ships were shooting at us from. I started encasing each of them in ice, two at a time, but then I got shot.

Freezing Achromatic (Robin/Dick x OC)Where stories live. Discover now